Chapter 30

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Leon's POV

Who would have thought I'll have a nice cup of tea with the devils... sure, people would have called me crazy, but still. Anyway, since my sister wanted them to remain here for a bit longer as guests, I had to accept it, even if it's a one time only thing.

To give you a quick explanation, Desmond, as you can imagine, was spending a lot of time with Irina. I can condone it since they're old friends and haven't seen each other in ages. Besides, Desmond is old enough to not be influenced by the church, no matter how much would Irina try to convince him to join her. In a way, it's adorable. I remember Desmond didn't have many friends in Tokyo, being what you would call a loner. Which is why I spent a lot of time talking with him, developing his personality and making him try to be more social, nothing that he couldn't stand though.

Shifting to Bruce, he was playing chess against Sona and I can't even describe the surprise on her face. She probably didn't expect him to be such a strategist. To be honest, he's beyond even me when it comes to chess. He's the first one of us to have started playing chess at the age of 6 and I remember there was nobody for him to be a challenge, except father, but he was rarely home. Which is why I personally asked him to teach me, so I can be Bruce's partner. In a way, that's what made father to teach all of us chess, so... sorry about that, brothers. But the fact that he was getting along with Sona was a good thing. As she is quite a bright girl, neither Bruce nor Sona would get bored.

As for Jason, he was the one who prepared the tea and the food. His culinary talents come from Mother. Even if he got bullied in middle school for being able to cook. I guess we all had that moment when we heard boys saying that cooking is for girls. That's the case here as well. Which is why I learned self-defense, so I could protect him. Later on, I taught him what I knew, making us very protective over each other. It seems like this time, he got praised by Xenovia for his talent. Those 2 look good together, I have to admit.

You're wondering where Anna is? Right next to me, talking and eating sweets with Koneko. She's the one I'm dead set on protecting. You already know how she helped me, which is why I am indebted to her.

Overall, this was a 4.5-star family. One I will never let go of. But it seems that in my retreat to my room for a little bit of silence, I was followed by this hyperactive girl... Serafall Leviathan.

"Why exactly do you follow me?", I questioned, raising my eyebrow.

"No reason. Just wanting to see what you're doing.", She responded.

What kind of answer is that?

"What could I possibly be doing? I imagined you'd be with Sona, doting on her.", I pointed out, sitting on my bad.

"Well, I would do it, but it seems like your brother is keeping her busy. And since everyone else is having fun, I decided to see what you're up to.", She explained taking a seat next to me. "You're an interesting guy."

"Interesting? How so?"

"Well, the overwhelming care for your family is a start.", She listed.

"That's something natural to do. I think I said this a lot, but I live for their happiness."

"That much is clear, but I can't help but admire how you put yourself in danger for them. Remember the wedding? You were ready to clash with the 4 satans without a second thought. That was impressive.", she got even closer.

"Impressive, huh? Well, most people would call me a fool. But I guess you can relate, right? Serafall?", she brings a different kind of vibe to the table compared to Kuroka, I have to admit.

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