Chapter 39

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Leon's POV

After that heated discussion I had with my parents, I can't really say I was in the mood for anything, probably just to be left alone, silence. Can you blame me? I've got so much on my plate it's a miracle I'm still somewhat sane.

Leaving my depression aside, it was a good thing that Dust came back, finally being able to hear the report. I've had him tail Hyoudou for 2 days now so I'm eager to see what happened.

To most people, it might look like I'm talking to a bird. No, I'm not crazy? Put the phone down. It's just that only I can understand Dust because of our bond as Master and Servant.

Anyway, it would seem that Issei didn't meet Michael for just a cup of tea. The pervert actually got his hands on Ascalon. If I'm not mistaken, that sword was specifically used for killing dragons, another type of holy sword. Hmm... intriguing, but still inferior to Jason's Chaos Eater. However, a high ranking angel meeting with a devil...I can't imagine the other angels approving of this, especially the Hellguard.

... Leaving aside Issei, looks like Akeno showed her true colors...a half huh? Still wondering how exactly did Gremory know her exact location to be able to turn Akeno into a devil... suspicious, nonethele-.


Looks like someone is after me. Looks like holy energy...angels? Why would they come into devil territory? Did Michael do something? Ugh, too many freaking questions. One thing I'm sure of...they suck at tailing someone.

I could probably catch them and interrogate them, but using my powers in such a populated area is a big risk. I'll lead them to the park, in the center of the city. Nobody should be there around this late in the night.

And so I did, I walked quietly towards that mark, without raising any suspicion. When I finally got there, I stopped walking. Looks like they made the mistake of getting closer, amateurs. I clicked my fingers once, and skeleton hands came out of the ground, preventing the angels from flying away.

Leon:"Pardon my rudeness, but I'm not fond of people following me around.", I said, getting closer to them. Their struggling is quite amusing.

The only one who spoke is an angel wearing some unique armor, must be some sort of general.

General:"What do you intend to do ?"

Leon:" That's my line. I'd like to know what are angels doing on my turf."

General:"Your turf? Isn't this devil territory?!"

Leon:"Now with me around. Now, answer the question!"


Looks like they're hiding some sort of secret. At least they're somewhat trained.

Leon:"Choosing to stay silent? Not a problem. You should know that we humans have quite a bit of experience with gruesome ways of getting answers."

And so, my eyes started glowing.

What I was about to do was one of the worst things someone can experience... psychological torture, if I wasn't interrupted, that is.

Suddenly, a new figure appeared before me and attempted to cut me down with quite a heavy sword. Heh, I would recognize her anytime, leader of the Hellguard, Uriel.

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