Chapter 42

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3rd POV

To say that the leaders of the 3 factions were confused would be an understatement and not just that. The other attendants were just as surprised by this turn of events. While the angels and the fallen angels had no idea who these 3 people were, that was not the case for the devils. It was as if the Alex and Scarlett that they met before disappeared, leaving behind only 2 corpses with a desire for vengeance for whatever reason. The first one to speak was Azazel.

Azazel:"What is this all ab-"

Alex:"That would be my line.", he cut him off. Needless to say, this gest wasn't appreciated.

Realizing that this may escalate into something bad, Sirzechs took the initiative.

Sirzechs:" Mister Mercer, I think we should discuss this with calm, whatever problem you might have."

Alex:"That option is long gone."

Michael:"Since when?"

Alex:"Since my house was leveled to the ground."


This gave birth to different questions for the devil king. Who did it? Why? And how did this brought the Creed family here? But before that, the others needed to find out who they were.

Azazel:"Hold on. You know them?", he asked Sirzechs.

Sirzechs:"Yes, Alex and Scarlett over there are the parents of those 4.", obviously talking about the Creed brothers.

They were able to figure the rest out, about who the little girl behind them is.

Scarlett:"Leave the cryptic way of talking for another time. By those 4 you don't mean...", she couldn't finish her words fearing that her doubts might be true and something really happened to her sons.

The others didn't say a word. It was clear that these parents were unaware of the true power of their children, but it was also not wise to fill them in. Who knows how the horsemen might react after finding out that after making peace, the 3 factions dragged the rest of their family into the supernatural world.

Alex:"Speak!", he raised his voice. It was unimaginable that a simple human would dare use such a tone to someone superior, but if the people inside that room knew something, is that this family couldn't be considered normal, and perhaps, that extends to the adults as well.

The one who stood out the most was Anna, who was watching her parents with awe as if she met them for the first time, which just raised even more questions. However, those questions disappeared fast. In less than a second, a few of the people inside froze, but not because of ice. It was something abnormal.

Issei:"What just happened?"

Serafall:"It would seem-"

Sirzechs:"That time was frozen.", he continued.

Michael:"At least for some of us. Those with superior powers were not affected."

Vali:"Neither were the holy sword users."

The people who were actually frozen would be Sona along with her and Rias's peerage, with the exception of Kiba, Xenovia, and Issei. Speaking of Rias, she tugged to Issei's arm so she was fine. So was Kalawarner, who was helped by her leader, Azazel. The Creed family didn't have much luck.

Vali:"All that talk, just to end up like this.", he couldn't help himself by to laugh silently.

Uriel:"I can definitely see a resemblance between Leon and his father."

Irina:"The pressure they are emanating is almost similar."

Azazel:"For a human to be compared with a horseman...I lived to see it."

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