Leon's POV
I guess I should search for a suit. A wedding is approaching. Heh, Good luck on handling mother, Bruce. You walked right into that one.
Jokes aside... he's grown. There was a time when he could have lashed out even at Anna. Good thing those times are long gone...and good thing that I beat some sense into him... literally.
I left them to have their moment as I headed towards the gym. Let's get this over with. I can't wait for the break to begin. Times like these make me miss Tokyo. There was so much to do there, outside the supernatural spectrum, but here... I'm just getting bored.
My steps came to halt after hearing Jason's voice just around the corner.
Jason: "I guess you finally made up with one another."
Hmm...so he's not alone.
Xenovia: "Well. All ended well, I suppose."
Irina: "Yes...but I owe you an apology, Xenovia. I called you a traitor and all..."
Desmond: "Don't think about it anymore, Irina. Despite being a devil now, at least you won't be enemies."
Irina: "I guess that's good. So... I'll be attending this academy, for now, being under Uriel-sama, for now."
Jason: "Hmm...you still seem human."
Irina: "Oh. I am. However, there's the debate of making me an angel under lord Michael."
I heard Desmond clicking his tongue. I suppose he's not too keen on the idea.
Irina: "Relax, Desmond. I'm not going anywhere.", She said as she grabbed his hand.
Desmond: "I know... it's just... there's this whole thing with falling out of Grace and ... I don't like it."
Irina: "Oh...I forgot about that."
Sigh... love in the supernatural world ain't that simple I guess.
Xenovia: "You'll have it hard."
Jason:"...there might be a way..."
Xenovia: "Really?"
Jason: "I'll let you know I figure something out."
Desmond: " You're not saying that to make me feel better, are you?"
Irina: "Desmond!"
Jason: " Hahaha. Don't worry, I wouldn't pull your leg."
Leon: "There's always the option of storming heaven and modifying the system ourselves."
Jason: " Hi there, Mister King of the School."
Leon: "Who'd want to rule this sorry place?"
Desmond:" It ain't that bad."
Leon: " Speak for yourself brother. Most things are more proactive than hanging around here."
Irina: "That thing about heaven... you're not serious are you?"
This girl... she's ready to go at it right here. Strong faith, I suppose.
Xenovia: " Wouldn't it be easier if Desmond became an angel?"
Jason: " Nova, that's a touching subject, especially to Leon-"
Leon: " No. That's a good question. Personally, I'd end all the realms of creation before that happens, but... Desmond's life is his own. No matter how I feel about it, it won't matter a damn."

The 4 Horsemen of Highschool // Highschool DxD x Darksiders
FanfictionStrife, Fury, War...Death...4 individuals that were once feared by most who dipped their toes into the supernatural...be it God, or be it Satan. That's how dangerous these 4 were. But their time has passed. Despite being strong, they were not immort...