1st POV
It seems the fact the 2 of us reconciled was enough of a happy ending for Rias. She still gave me some glimpses of pity here and there before retreating to her own bedroom. You just had to run your mouth, didn't you, Death?
...Right... he can't throw back witty remarks anymore...
"Aren't you going to rest as well?", the black cat refused to leave me out of her sight, only the 2 of us remaining awake in the estate at this hour.
"You should know I can handle a few sleepless nights just fine."
My attempt at humor wasn't well received at all, earning me a slap on the back. Her eyes were seemed to alternate between fierce and pitiful, as if she was suddenly afraid to even touch me our of fear of breaking me. Am I made out of glass now?
"Kuroka, just because I am a normal guy now doesn't mean I am fragile, ok?"
"You're far from normal, even without the horseman... and that rubs me the wrong way for some reason...", she crossed her arms, looking into the distance. It would seem we're both dancing around the main question. "...I suppose this is the end of it, right?"
"...our relationship. Any more and you'll be hunted by the Chaos Brigade till the edge of the world. That would surely be a nuisance to you."
That's for certain, but... is this really about my well being?
"If you think there's nothing to be gained from this relationship anymore, then you can put an end to it...although, I'd rather not.", I leaned back against the wall, observing the shift in her eyes...to anger."
"Huh? Are you stupid?! You're even lower than the Red Dragon Emperor now in term of strength and you have the nerve to continue to want to date me? I wouldn't be surprised if you ended up dead someday in the near future!"
That simple word seemingly broke the flow of conversation, as she stayed mouth agape for a full minute, contemplating what to say next, but no words would come out. If all living things are to be afraid of death, then by that definition I am alive no longer.
"Kuroka, the worst they can do is kill me, but that's merely a tickle at this point."
"It's not that simple! Just because you can doesn't mean you should take death without complaints! Don't you have some self preservation instincts at all?", she forcefully shook me by my shoulders, as if attempting to wake me up from sleep.
"Self preservation and living in hiding out of fear are 2 separate things. I didn't say I'll gladly march to my death without rime of reason just cause I feel like it. But bending the knee simply cause I am not in an advantageous position is out of the question."
"Is that supposed to set an example? For your sibling?"
"No. That's simply who I always was. Looking back on it, I always had a thing for going at my own pace. Don't mistake the horseman putting me through hell for a few years with it shaping my personality."
"So what you're saying is that you've always been an idiot. And to think it was you who I came to for my heat...", the last part was uttered silently, but I still caught wind of it.
"I take it you regret it? Besides, like I said earlier, I can't deny there's nothing of gain for you anymore here. "
"That's not what I mean. It's just.. I am frustrated! I am supposed to be the older one here and yet every time I talk with you it's as if I am the one being taught a lesson."

The 4 Horsemen of Highschool // Highschool DxD x Darksiders
FanfictionStrife, Fury, War...Death...4 individuals that were once feared by most who dipped their toes into the supernatural...be it God, or be it Satan. That's how dangerous these 4 were. But their time has passed. Despite being strong, they were not immort...