Chapter 6

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It has been 1 week since I saw Jackson and I'm trying to really forget the whole incident but his words keep replaying in my brain again and again

You will be mine again Sophie just remember that

I get the chills every time I remember his words

I feel like I shouldn't be that scared from his words but something tells me that he meant them and that's the scariest part because I would rather die than be with him for another day

The guys have noticed that I have been off and they know I've been lying to them but they don't know the real reason and that's enough for me

If they ever learned about Jackson harassing me at my work they would literally go to the police

Right now I was sitting in the living room as Ashton was cooking and Michael , Luke and me were watching a movie and Calum was at the hospital for an emergency surgery

I felt my phone vibrate besides me and I picked it up thinking it was Katie that replied to my last text

But I was wrong

Unknown:Are you chilling with your 4 boyfriends?

As soon as I saw this text I felt tears in my eyes


How did he even find my phone number?I literally changed my phone number so that he couldn't call or text me or even find me

My hands started to shake and my breath started getting faster

"Sophia are you okay?" Michael asked me but I couldn't answer I just stared at my phone screen

"Soph?" Luke said but I just stood up putting my hands above my head so that I could breathe while pacing around the living room

Michael and Luke instantly shot up from the couch and approached me

"Sophia look at me and calm down" Luke grabbed my elbows and lowered my hands

I just gasped for air

I wanted to throw up

"Sophia take some deep breaths hun" Michael said as he took my pulse

"Calm dow-" I cut Luke off before he could finish

"I'm going to throw up" I said quickly as I felt my stomach turn

"Ashton bring a bucket quickly!" Michael said and Ashton came running with a bucket putting it down

I quickly crouched down and threw up

Luke pulled back my hair and rubbed my back as Michael supported me

I was coughing and gasping for air all at the same time as tears strummed down my cheeks

"Sophia lay down and put your hands above your head" Michael said as he pushed me down after I finished throwing up

I laid dow and put my hands above my head trying to breathe

"Look at my hands Sophia" Luke said as he put both of his hands in front of my face

"Okay now count with me slowly" he said and started counting while putting his fingers down

"10...,9...,8...,7.." he counted slowly as I followed him

"6...,5...,4..." I said with him as he put his fingers down with each count

"You're doing great Sophia keep going" Luke said in between the counting

"3...,2...,1.." I said and I felt slightly better

"Good now take 10 deep breaths like me" he said and put my hand on his chest as he took deep breaths so that I could copy him

After taking deep breaths I was starting to feel better

Michael checked my lungs with his stethoscope as Ashton has lifted my head and put it on his legs sitting behind me

"Breathing sounds better" Michael said as he removed the stethoscope

They were all looking at me intently while I closed my eyes to calm down

"Do you feel better?" Luke asked me and I lightly nodded

"Keep taking deep breaths"Michael said and I took a few deep breaths till I felt like I could breathe again

"Do you mind telling us what happend?" Ashton asked me

I knew there is no way out

"Jackson" I said simply and I saw them all tense at the name

"What about Jackson?"Luke asked looking purely worried

"He came to the school last week and now he's texting me" I said and I watched them all frown and look at each other

"What do you mean he came to your school?" Michael asked with a serious tone

Oh god

"He was waiting for me at the parking and he asked me if I wanted to have coffee with him and then he said that I will be his again" I said as I started to lose my breathing again

"Okay stop for a minute , breathe because you overworking yourself again" Ashton said and I took a deep breath

"Why didn't you tell us?" Michael asked me

"Because you guys would have gone crazy about it and I didn't want to cause any more drama , I want to put all of this behind me" I said looking at him

"Sophia he is still harassing you, we need to go to the police he is dangerous and you know it" Luke said

"If I go to the police he will get mad and he will get way worse" I said feeling tears escape my eyes

Luke wiped my tears with his thumbs and pushed my hair away from my face

"Soph this is not healthy you need to put an end to this" he said calmly

" I know I just need some time please" I said and they all looked at each other

"Fine one week but after that we're going to the police if you don't do it" Michael said and I nodded

"Okay let's sit you up slowly" Luke said as him and Michael helped me up

"I'm tired" I said as they helped me stand up

"You know how panic attacks work Soph , just get some rest okay?" Ashton said and I nodded

"You can always talk to us Soph we are your best friends don't go through it alone" Michael said as I hugged all of them

"Thank you guys I appreciate you more than you know" I said as we all hugged tightly

"We know boo we do too" Luke said back

*I'm excited for you to read the next chapters!!Stay tuned cuties🙃

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