Chapter 12

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I felt someone lightly shaking me while calling my name

This is the second time someone interrupts my sleep and it's getting really annoying

I slowly open my eyes to see Calum sitting beside me on my bed

"Hey Soph" Calum says and I groan

"Hey Cal, what time is it?" I ask and he looks at his phone

"It's 3 in the morning" he said and I groan again

"Ugh why did you wake me up again?" I ask in confusion

I remember the guys waking me up again but I don't remember why or what they said to me

"Cause we need to check your concussion every 2 hours" he said and I frowned


"What do you mean 'check my concussion' I'm fine Cal I didn't hit my head or something" I said annoyed

"Now this is concerning, don't sleep or close your eyes I'm going to get Luke" he said with a worried expression and got up to get Luke

What happend?Why can't I remember having a concussion?

After 1 minute Luke and the rest boys came to my room with worried expressions

Luke came to me slowly while he signalled the rest of the guys to stay back

"Hey Sophia"he said speaking gently and sitting beside me

"Hey, what are you guys doing?" I asked confused

"You hit your head today and you have a concussion, can you tell me what year it is?" He asked me gently again

I looked at him confused as he looked at my confused expression waiting for my answer

"Umm 2021" I said back

"Okay now can you tell me what month and what day it is?" He asked me again

"It's May" I said as I tried to remember what day it is but I really couldn't remember

"I-I don't know what day it is Luke" I said panicking that I can't remember what day it is

"Shhh shhh its okay Soph, don't panic I'm here there is nothing to worry about, I need you to trust me" he said gently rubbing my arms

"I-I don't remember Luke, am I going to forget everything now?" I said feeling tears coming to my eyes

"Soph I'm one of the best neurosurgeons I won't let anything happen , now can you take a deep breath and relax for me?" He said pushing some hair behind my ear while I nodded

I took a deep breath to calm myself and I closed my eyes

"Okay now I want to check a few things can you sit up for me?" Luke asked and I nodded

I sat up and I threw my legs to the side so that I was sitting on the edge of the bed while Luke was standing in front of me

The guys had already brought a medical bag to my room and Luke grabbed a small light form it

He gently touched my chin and lightly lifted it up so that I was looking at him

"Okay I need you to look at the guys" he said and I looked at them

He shone a light to my eyes and I immediately closed them because of the pain

"One more time Soph" he said and he did it again

"Okay follow my finger" he said and I did as he said

"Now hold my hands and push as hard as you can" he said holding my hands and I pushed as much as I could

"Great now pull" he said and I pulled

After that he made me hold my hands straight and close my eyes, he checked my reflexes and asked me some more questions

"What is it am I going to remember?" I asked once he was finished

"Your other senses and your reflexes are okay which is a good sign, that means there is no brain bleed that we should be worried about" he said and I nodded as he continued

"You can remember what year and month is such as your name and age which is also good cause that means there is a problem in your short-term memory caused by the concussion" he said

"It is possible to forget things after having a concussion it is not very usual but it could happen , that's why we need to check on you every 2 hours to see if things are getting better or worse, I believe that in the next few days your short- term memory will be back to normal..If not we need to do some tests but you don't have to worry about it we will go to the hospital in the morning for a CT to be sure" he said and I looked at him trying to understand

"Okay but I'm not going to forget everything right?" I asked and he chuckled

"No Soph don't worry it's possible your memory will be back in the morning if not in the next few days" he said hugging me

"Okay I trust you" I said back

"Okay go to sleep for now, I'm going to check on you in 2 hours" he said as i laid back to my bed and got comfortable

"Goodnight Sophie" the guys said as they exited my room

"Goodnight guys" I said and I closed my eyes

I really wish my memory is back tomorrow because something tells me that I didn't hit my head

I have a bad feeling about it and I need to remember the details

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