Chapter 27

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Sophia was getting worse each passing minute and I was worried she was going to code in the car

Luke was holding her tight and speaking to her to keep her awake while we both rubbed her hands, tapped her cheeks and shook her to keep her alert

"Baby I need you to hold on for a few more minutes, we're almost there" Luke said to her

"I want to sleep Luke, I'm really tired" Sophia said as her eyes dipped

My heart skipped a beat and I quickly slapped her face a little bit harder to wake her up immediately

No soph, stay with us a little longer" I said shaking lightly her head

"If I wasn't panicking I would have punched you for slapping my girlfriend, but I'm gonna let it slide this once" Luke mumbled while still holding Soph

"You wanna keep her awake or you want her to code in this car mate?" I said to him

"I know I know, fuck we're slowly losing her Cal" Luke said to me his voice shaky from stress

"Luke I need you to stay calm, even if she codes she's in a car with 4 doctors, we've got her man" I said in hopes I can keep him sane until the hospital

I find need him freaked out, I needed him to be ready of something happened in the next minute

Soon we saw the hospital and we both left a relieved breath while getting ready to quickly get out off the car the second it stopped moving

We didn't wait a second

We opened the door and Luke quickly carried Sophia in a bed after announcing our stuff that this is our case and it's an emergency

We quickly started hooking her up to monitor her heart and the second we saw the screen we all paled

She was going to have a cardiac arrest in the next minute

"Fuck, fuck, guys I don't know what to do!!! DO SOMETHING I CANT THINK STRAIGHT RIGHT NOW" Luke started screaming

"Ash take Luke out of the room right now" I said as I quickly opened the cabinet to find the adrenaline shot

"No Cal don't make me leave" Luke said with tears in his eyes

"Luke if you want Sophia to live, you're gonna leave this room right now because you're only getting in our way and stressing us more" I said as I quickly started cleaning Sophia thigh with and antiseptic wipe

From the corner of my eye I saw Luke and Ash leave and Michael went to Sophia's other side to start an IV

Just when Sophia's heart rate almost dropped completely, I quickly did the shot and held my breath checking at her vitals

After 3 seconds her heart rate starting increasing and I dropped my head to my hands releasing the breath I have been holding

"Okay, let's get her on fluids and a fever reducer! I'm going to bring cooling blankets" I said as I went to the door

"Calum, you did good man. We've got her everything is good" Michael said as he fixed her IV fluids

"Yeah almost" I said holding back my tears

"Everything will be okay Cal, take a breath" Michael said sending me a small smile

He always was the one to keep his calm and I admired that, that's what made him one of the best doctors

"I'll be back with the blankets, I'm gonna go see how's Luke and Ash doing" I said as I exited the room

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