Chapter 25

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Okay so it did not get better

It was now 7pm and I've tried my best to feel better, I took a shower and I ate as much as I could ( even though Luke complained again) , and I tried to sleep but seriously the room was spinning and I felt like my whole body was burning

I was currently in the bathroom sitting in-front of the toilet because I was about to throw up and I knew it

Luke was still sleeping so I was thankful for that because I could still get away with it

Calum and Ashton were outside playing basketball and Michael was playing play station in the living room so I was clear for now

After 10 minutes of pure torture I finally threw up

I felt like I was throwing up for an eternity and my stomach and throat were burning

Jesus Christ I'm going to pass out

After dry heaving for another 10 minutes I finally got up lightheaded and grabbed my toothbrush

That's when I heard it

"Soph?Are you in there?" Luke asked while knocking the bathroom door

"Yes!!! I'll be out in a minute!" I said quickly brushing my teeth and flushing the toilet one more time

I fixed my hair quickly and I opened the door

Luke was standing in front of the door with his arms crossed over his chest

"Hey you're awake" I said smiling at him

His brows were furrowed and he was looking at me suspiciously without smiling back


"What were you doing in there?" He asked me analysing my face as I spoke

"What do you mean? I'm human I had to use the bathroom, come on Luke you're a doctor you should know these things" I said to him and tried moving past him but his hand shot up infront of me and stopped me

"Liar" he simply said to me and I looked at him

"I know for a fact that you didn't simply use the bathroom because for the last 20 minutes you've been throwing up , coughing and choking over the toilet" he said looking at me with a serious expression

"Luke what are-" I tried lying but he cut me off

"Don't play dumb with me Soph, I woke up the second you got out of bed , I heard everything" he said again

"Now you're either going to tell me by yourself what's happening or I'm going to call of the guys up here and you're not leaving until we know what's happening" he said

"Noooooo please Luke I want to go out please that's the only reason I hid it" I said to him pleading him

"Baby you're not feeling well and something is clearly wrong, you can't go out like that" he said to me slowly pushing my baby hair out of my face

"Please I want to go out it's the only weekend you guys have free and I want to spend it with you all" I said again almost tearing up

"I understand Soph but it's not going to be fun if you're like this and you know it" he said again wiping a tear the fell down my cheek

I nodded slowly and I leaned me head to his chest starting to fell lightheaded and dizzy after standing up for this long

"Come on lets get you to bed and see what's going on , okay?" He said rubbing my shoulders and back

I nodded again and we both went back to bed

I sat down and Luke crouched between my knees

"I'm going to get my bag okay?" He said to me rubbing his hands up and down my thighs trying to relax me because he knew I was stressing

"Okay" I said nodding my head

"I'll make you feel better in no time baby I promise I'll be quick" he said kissing my forehead and leaving our room

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