Chapter 26

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I knew there was something wrong but I didn't want to pressure her so I let her be but as the day went on I saw that she got worse so I had to interfere

I got downstairs to grab my bag and I saw Michael

"Good morning princess" Michael said to me smiling and I just rolled my eyes

He saw me grabbing my bag and furrowed his brows confused

"Why do you need your bag?You're feeling okay mate?" He asked me worried

"Yeah I'm fine but Soph is not and I need to figure out what's happening" I said to him and I saw him stand up

"What's wrong? What are her symptoms?"he asked quickly

"For now I only now she's throwing up I haven't talked to her yet" I said to him

"Okay I'm coming too" he said to me and I nodded

Michael was the best general surgeon I knew and he was known for his diagnosing skills, I could certainly use his help

We both went up and in to the bedroom where I saw Sophia laying down with her feet of the bed and her hands on her head

"Sophie what's wrong" Michael asked her as soon as we walked in

Sophia turned her head looking at both of us and groaned

"Come on talk to us" I said to her

"Well I feel like shit" she said and she slowly sat up

I saw her swaying lightly and her eyes closing before me and Michael grabbed her hands to steady her

"Okay so we have our first symptom , dizziness" Michael confirmed

"What else Soph" he asked her

"Um I'm dizzy and lightheaded, I threw up and I feel like I'm burning but not like when I'm having fever like I'm just hot and I have a headache" she said as we focused on what she was saying

"Okay do your eyes hurt?" Michael asked her as he put his hand on her forehead

"More like a sting but yes" she said and we both nodded and looked at each other thinking the same thing

"Okay let's check you up just to be sure" I said while I grabbed the pressure cup for my bag

"You know what's happening?" She asked me as I put the blood pressure cup on her arm

"We have an idea" Michael said as I took her pressure

After a while we both looked at the numbers and made a disapproving sound because it was really high

Next we took her temperature which was high too and that worried us more

Next Michael checked her heart and lungs which they sounded good and took her pulse which again was high

After be both felt like we checked everything we wanted we looked each other with a sigh and we knew what we had to do

"What?" Sophia asked looking at us

"Have you heard the term heat stroke?" Michael asked her and she squinted

"Heat stroke?" She asked confused

"Basically when you're exposed for a long time in the sun or when you exhaust yourself doing external activities when it's too warm your body overheats and that causes you to have a bunch of symptoms telling you your body needs to cools down" Michael explained to her

"I told you not to stay on the sun that long" I said to her

"But how? I've been to the sun like this before and nothing happened" she said

"It won't happen every time, but when you're body is more vulnerable or when you're tired it's more likely that it's going to happend" I said to her and she nodded

"Okay so how do we treat that? We just let it pass?" She asked and we looked at her with sympathetic looks

"We have to go to the hospital baby" I said to her

"No no no there's no way I'm not going to the hospital" she said quickly

"We need to give you an IV with fluids and a fever reducer, we also need to cool down your body temperature and you need to be monitored in case your blood pressure or your heart rate get higher" Michael said to her slowly

"Can't we do that here? You guys have IV here don't you?" She asked almost pleading us

"Yes but we can't monitor you properly here and we need to be ready if it gets worse quickly because it's dangerous" I said to her running my hand through her hair

"Fine" she said resting her head on me

"I'm sorry Soph but there's no other way" Michael said rubbing her arm

"I just wanted to spend the weekend with you" she mumbled

"I promise you we will take another day off so we can spend it when you're okay" Michael said and she nodded

"Come on lets get you dressed and to the hospital" I said to her as she slowly got up

"I'm going to tell the guys and we'll wait downstairs" Michaels said leaving the room and I gave him a nod

I helped Sophia get dressed supporting her weight while she got out of her pajama's

After she was only in her underwear she swayed and I quickly grabbed her before she could fall over

"I'm really dizzy Luke I don't think I can stand right now, I need to sit" she said and I quickly lifted her and put her on the bed

"Okay take deep breaths babe and try not to sleep, okay?" I said to her quickly grabbing pants and a top and kneeling in front of her to put them on her

After quickly putting her clothes I lifted her of the bed and went downstairs to see the guys all waiting concern written on their faces

"We need to keep her awake until we reach the hospital , it's not looking good" I said to them all of us moving quickly

Calum sat in the back with me since he was a cardiologist and it was looking like the heat stroke affected her heart and blood pressure way more than it should have

Calum took her pulse focusing on his watch and when he was done he started looking at her eyes and neck

"Yeah her pulse is very high and it looks like she's getting more red which means her blood pressure is more likely rising" he said with concern

Soph was really quite which worried me

"Talk to us Soph" I said to her lightly shaking her

"Mhm" she said her eyes closing

"No no Soph eyes on me" Calum said lightly slapping her cheek

She opened her eyes and looked at Calum

"I'm tired" she said

"I know but right now I need you to focus on me and I need you to keep your eyes open as long as you can okay?" He said to her rubbing her arms roughly so she could stay awake

She whined but that was better than having a cardiac arrest inside the car

"We're almost there"Ashton said looking back at us

Let's hope she can keep her eyes open until we get her inside

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