Chapter 15

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The whole ride to the hospital I thought about what the guys reaction is going to be because I didn't even tell them I left the house

The ride was also pretty painful and the pain to my ribs and shoulder was getting worse

After about 10 minutes we arrived and I saw the ambulance door open revealing Luke and Michael

I guess they are working on the ER today

My lucky day isn't it?

"Sophia?"Luke said confused as they rolled me of the ambulance while sharing a concerned look with Michael

"Hhheeeeyyy"I said slightly cringing at my state

"What happend?"Michael asked the paramedic as they rolled me into the hospital

"Sophia Holdge ,24 year old was in a car crash , pulse and bp high , responsive with pain on the left side and her left shoulder, haven't received any pain killers" the paramedic as they gurney came to a stop

"Okay on my count!"Luke said

"1...2...3"they lifted me and placed me on the hospital bed

"Ow!Shit!" I said as the moved me

"Okay we got it from here thanks guys" Michael said as the paramedics left the room

"Okay Soph I need you to rate your pain from 1 to 10 and also tell me if you have any other pains" Michael said to me

"Ummm I would say around 8 and the back of my neck feels kinda stiff but I'm okay" I said as they both looked at each other

"You're definitely not okay but we'll talk about it after we check you" Luke said

"Okay let's put an iv and give her some painkillers first" Luke said as Michael nodded and went to grab the stuff he needed

"Okay relax your neck for me for a moment" Luke said as he brought his hands to the back of my neck and started moving around and pressing on different spots

He had a frown as he was checking and looked extra focused on what he was doing

He's cute

After a while he removed his hands from my neck and grabbed his light but I knew what was coming this time so I closed my eyes before he could shine the light and blind me

"Come on Soph open your eyes I need to check for a concussion" Luke said as I heard him sigh

"I didn't hit me head you don't need to check" I said

"Your neck is a little stiff and even though you don't have any injuries on your head you could've hit it when the crash happened and not remember it because of the adrenaline and shock" he said and I groaned

"I didn't hit my head Luke" I said stubbornly

"Fine" he said but as soon as he said it he lifted my eyelid with his thumb and shone a light to both of my eyes quickly

"Ughh I knew it" I said as I tried to get rid of the annoying dots from the light

"Hey good news you don't have a concussion" Luke said with a smile

"No shit Sherlock" I said back

"Hey last time I checked I was the doctor here not you , this is a routine check up for all the patients that come from accidents and car crashes" he said back and I sighed

Michael was now on my side with all the needles and stuff but as soon as I saw them Luke turned my head the other way

"Look at me not your hand your going to get dizzy and pass out" he said and I nodded

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