Chapter 9

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"Good afternoon Katie" I said as I exited the schools door to go to my car

"Goodbye Sophia"she said back to me and I smiled at her

Everything was going back to normal or at least that's how I felt

I haven't heard from Jackson for 2 weeks and even though the guys wanted to go to the police I was okay with just putting everything behind me

I know the last time I saw him he said some scary things to me but maybe they weren't true

Maybe he just wanted to scare me and nothing more

I walked to my car and I unlocked it, I set me things to the passengers seat and I decided that I was going to grab something to eat since it was almost 5 in the afternoon

Sometimes we would sit after school to finish some things or to help with the cleaning cause we knew how messy the children could be

I put some music on the radio and I hummed all the way to Taco Bell

I really love Mexican food

After I ordered I took my order and headed back home

"I'm home!" I said as I walked in

I didn't know the guys schedule everyday cause of course they didn't have one standard schedule as surgeons

They literally get called at the middle of the night

"Hey Soph" Ashton said coming from the kitchen

"Oh hey Ash I thought you guys were at the hospital" I said as I took my shoes off and walked into the kitchen

"Yeah the rest of the guys are but I came home early since I had a night shift yesterday" he said and I nodded

"Do you want Taco Bell I bought an extra taco" I said and he shook his head

"No thanks I ate before you came" he said as I put my food on a plate

"So how was your night shift" I asked as we both sat down at the table and I started eating

"It was good, mostly had to set broken noses and arms but it was okay" he said and I scrunched my face

"You like popping back bones?" I asked in almost disgust

"Yeah there is nothing more satisfying than hearing the sound of-"I cut Ashton off

"Okay okay I get it you like it now stop before I pass out" I said and he laughed

"You know considering you live with literally 4 doctors you are way to sensitive to medical things" he said and I nodded

"Yeah well I didn't exactly chose my best friends by their job" I said back while eating

"Yeah you're right but oh well you're stuck with us now" he said as he kissed by head and headed upstairs

"I'm going for a nap wake me up if you need anything" he said

"Okay have a nice nap" I said back to him

After I ate I cleaned up and I decided to take a bath but I noticed that my hands were getting a little bit red and  itchy

I thought it was probably from my shirts texture or something so I ignored it and I took a bath

After that I put on some comfy clothes and I went downstairs to watch some tv since I finished everything I needed to do at school

The itching was getting worst and my hands were red but I didn't want to wake Ashton up so I waited until he would wake up

Around 8 o'clock Ashton finally woke up and came downstairs

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