Chapter 29

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1 week later


We got back from the hospital 5 days ago and all of the guys haven't stopped checking on me

They're constantly touching my wrist to count my pulse, asking me if I feel lightheaded and Luke even listens to my breathing when I sleep to make sure it's normal

Like seriously I can't take it anymore

But to be honest they have the right to be overprotective because I can't imagine how scary that was for them

I was currently sitting outside eating my ice cream and reading my book

Luke was beside me, Ashton Michael and Calum were sitting opposite from us on their phones or listening to music

My phone buzzed under my thigh and I looked at my screen

My breath got caught up in my throat

The police department

We haven't heard anything for the past 3 and half months

Luke instantly sensed me tensing and looked at me, touching my wrist probably scared it had something to do with my last trip to the hospital

"What's wrong Soph?Talk to me baby" Luke said quickly but softly

That caught the attention of the guys and they all looked at me waiting for me to talk

I took a deep breath and I said

"It's from the police department" I said looking at them

"Pick it up" they all said quickly

I pressed the button and and put in on speaker

"Hello?" I said with a shaky voice

"Yes? Is this Sophia Holdge?" The man asked me

"Yes this is me" I said and Luke grabbed my hand holding it for support

"We're calling to inform you about your case with Jackson Peterson" the man said and my heart dropped

After the incident with the car and and the man following me I decided to file a complaint but the police had no luck finding Jackson

Its like he completely disappeared from earth

"Yes? Do you have any news? Did you find him?" I asked quickly

"Yes we did, but your case from now is considered closed because of Mr. Jackson's death" the man said and we all froze

"Death?" I asked quickly

"Yes unfortunately Mr. Jackson was found dead in his hotel room yesterday from a drug overdose" the man said

The world stopped

I don't know what to say

I didn't know how to feel

I knew Jackson was struggling with drugs when he was younger but when we were together he never used

I felt guilty for his death in a way but at the same time I felt...relieved

He was no longer going to abuse me

I can leave my house without fearing for my life

I was free

I was finally free

"Ms.Holdge are you still there?" The man broke me from my trance

"Mhhm yes I'm here" I said clearing my throat

"Thank you for informing me, have a good day" I said and I ended the call

I looked at the guys and they were all looking at me trying to understand what I'm feeling

"I don't know how to feel" I said honestly

"You understand that you're finally free? No more fear of going out, no more threats, no more Jackson" Ashton said looking at me carefully

"I know, it's just.. I feel guilty. I think I caused his death. Yes I hated him and yes wanted him to go to jail but death? I feel like no one deserves a death like that" I said

"It's totally normal to feel a bit sad about his death but there's no reason for you to feel guilty Soph, he did this to himself, he made a choice to overdose and that's on him not on you" Michael said

"I can't believe it" I said still shocked

"I'm free" I said smiling

"I'm fucking free, oh my god i feel so relieved and I know it's bad but I can't help it" I said

"No baby it's not bad it's what you should feel, he's never going to cause you any pain again" Luke said smiling back at me

I know I shouldn't say this but


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