Chapter 19

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After our meeting with the police we left the police station and I felt like a huge weight has lifted of my shoulders

I never imagined my life would be like that

Scared to leave my house because of the person I fell in love with and living with my 4 best friends to be safe

Honestly I never though I would get away for Jackson and that scared me because I want to move on and live my life without being scared and holding back

That night me and Michael talked to the rest of the guys and told them the news and how we will be in court to end Jackson in 2 weeks from now

We all feel extremely positive and we chose to stay like than until we know for sure Jackson can no longer hurt me or anyone else

"You ready to go?" I asked Katie since we were going to lunch together after work

"Yes let me grab my things" she said as she got up and grabbed her bag

"Okay let's go I'm starving" Katie said

After we drove separately to our favourite restaurant we got inside and we ordered our lunch

"So how's everything's going?" Katie asked me looking at me

"Everything is going good right now, me and the boys are doing good and they are great roommates and I'm hoping Jackson will soon disappear from my life once and for all" I said to Katie

"I'm so happy for you , you deserve to feel safe and happy Soph" she said to me genuinely smiling at me

"Thank you" I said back

"But anyways no more Jackson , tell me about your new boyfriend" I said to Katie as she visibly blushed

"Well he is in civil engineering and we met one month ago at the coffee shop near our school"she said smiling "honestly he is the nicest guy and we're doing really good right now , he is everything I've been looking for" she said

"Awwww someone is in love , I'm so happy you found your prince Kate" I said to her

After a while our food came and we ate while we talked about school projects we had and gossiped about the school's stuff

As I was drinking some water I noticed that a man with a hat was sitting on the booth behind Katie for a long time without ordering something or doing anything particular

I tried not to freak out because it could be a coincidence but it was weird because he certainly wasn't waiting for someone because he was here almost thirty minutes and he looked as if he was listening to us all the time

"Hey, um do you want to leave because I have some work I have to do " I said to Katie and she agreed

After we payed for our food we said goodbye and I got to my car to go home

Halfway though I noticed a car was following me so I made a right turn to confirm my suspicion

The car turned right

Don't panic I said to myself , maybe it's just s coincidence

So then I turned left

The car turned left too

At this moment I started panicking so I decided that I'm not going home because it would be way too dangerous so I decided to go to the hospital

I picked up speed and tried losing the car but it didn't work so I started panicking even more

After 10 minutes I was finally at the hospital and without thinking I exited the car and ran to Luke's office..

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