Chapter 17

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The next day I woke up and the pain in my arm and ribs was still there but thanks to the medicine they gave me it was bearable thank god

"Good morning Soph" Luke said as he walked in to my room

"Morning handsome" I said back

I think the medicines they gave me made me more bold too oops

Luke chuckled and came by my side checking my heart monitor and after that he looked at me with a smile

"How are you feeling?"he asked me

"Great, now can I go home please?" I said almost begging because I hated hospitals and I wanted to leave as quickly as I could

Luke narrowed his eyes like he was thinking what to say to me

"I'll tell you what, I'll check you to see if you can leave today and you'll be honest with you pain levels and if you're good to leave you have to let us check you everyday at home...Deal?" he said looking at me and I groaned

He knew I would lie about my pain and that i hated when they checked on me and went all doctory mode

"Okay fine deal"I said as I rolled my eyes

"Okay great should we start?" He said with the smile that showed me he enjoyed this way more than I did

He listened to my heart and took my pulse, he checked my eyes and then he went to my arm

He started touching it around and tried to move it in certain ways while closely watching my face for any discomfort

"How's your pain in your arm?" He asked as he focused on examining it

"It's okay it's just sore really" I said truthfully and he nodded

"Okay good now ribs, lie down real quick" he said and I lied down all the way

He pushed my hospital gown up to my where my chest started not even giving me a moment to register what he was doing

"Heeeyyy I'm only wearing an underwear"I said looking at him

"Don't tell me you're ashamed Soph , I've literally seen you thousands times with only your underwear and besides it's like a swimsuit" he said as he turned his look back to my ribs

"Yeah well you could have warned me" I said almost whispering and I saw a faint smile on his face

"Okay I'm going to touch your ribs and check the bruising , I'm going to try and be quick cause I know it hurts " he said

"It doesn't hurt that mu-"I hissed as soon as he touched my ribs and I threw my hand over his

"Mmmhmm sure" he said as he continue to examine my ribs

"Jeez are you done I feel like you're stabbing me again and again" I said after 10 seconds of him touching around

"See now you're honest, and yes I'm done" he said as he pulled my gown down again

"Good sooooo can I leave?" I asked and he nodded

"Yes you just have to be really careful with your arm and ribs also rest and you're going to need some pills for the pain" he said as he wrote down on my chart

I let out a breath of relief and after a moment Ashton entered the room

"How's our favorite patient today?" He said looking at me heart monitor and then Luke

"Great Luke said I can leave today" I smiled at him

"Did you do the check up?" Ashton asked and Luke nodded

"Yep everything seems good she's good to go as long as she follows the rules and rest" he said and Ashton nodded his head

After I got dressed with the help of a nurse I was ready to go when someone knocked on the door

"Come in" I said expecting someone from the guys

"Hello Miss Holdge I'm from the police and I wanted to talk to you about your accident" he said

"Yes of course , did you find who did it?" I asked anticipation taking over my body

"We did find who did it , it was a woman named Anastasia Perk but she ran away ,as you know ,and  we haven't been able to locate her yet" he said as I took in all the information

"Okay do you know why she did it? Was it an accident?" I asked back , my questions seeming stupid but I was confused

"We don't know anything yet but we do know from her records that she is a drug addict and she has been to jail 2 times for stealing and for being on  drugs while driving" he said and I nodded

I didn't know her and I'm sure she didn't know me since my cycle and friends are not into that kind of things but a creepy feeling rose inside me

"We will try and locate her and as soon as we have news we will call you to inform you , in the meantime I hope you recover quickly, take care" he said as he opened the door and left

"Thank you" I said a little distracted

After that I told the guys the details and none of them knew the name of the woman or why she could have done something like that but we decided to let the police do the job while I rested and recovered

Calum was done with his shift so he was the one who took us back home when I signed the discharge papers

"Okay you know the rules so don't go lifting things and walk around for no reason , if you need anything you tell me or the guys, good?" He said and I nodded still a bit distracted

"Soph don't be scared I'm sure the police will find her and she will be punished for what she did" he said hugging me lightly

"Thanks Calum, I'm gonna go take a shower and lie down" I said as I made my way to my room

Heyy guys I know it's been a long time!!But here's a new chapter, things are a bit hard for Sophie I can't wait for you to read what's going to happen next :))) Have a nice day you beautiful people ❤️

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