Chapter 24

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We were currently on the boat chilling while listening to music

The guys were swimming and I was currently doing some tanning feeling the sun warm my skin

I think I slept for a bit because I woke up suddenly because someone threw something on me

I opened my eyes and saw Luke standing above me and then looked down to see that he threw a hat on me

"What?"I asked him

"You're in the sun for 30 minutes straight" he said

"Okay sooooo?"I asked again not really understanding his point

"You're going to get burned and it's not good for you to be that long in the sun" he said putting on my hat

And crouching in front of me to put sunscreen on me

"Ugh no don't put sunscreen on me" I argued pulling away

"Soph you're already a bit red and it's not good for you to be in the sun without sunscreen for so long" he said as he started applying sunscreen over my body

"Glasses off" he said and I took my glasses off

He started putting sunscreen on my face

After that he took my face to his hands and kissed me on my lips

"Come on lets go sit somewhere less sunny" he said and I followed him because honestly I was starting to feel a little lightheaded

It's probably because I didn't eat a lot of breakfast and I needed to drink more water

After we sat on the small table under the boat tent I felt a biggest wave of dizziness and closed my eyes

"You okay Soph? You're a bit red" Ashton said as they all joined us where we were sitting

"Yeah I'm fine, can you grab me a water bottle?" I asked Calum that was closest to the mini fridge

He passed me the water and I chugged it all it one take

"Better?" Luke asked and I nodded

"Yes I just got thirsty because of the sun and stuff" I said dismissing him

"Okay we'll do you guys want to head back? It's 3pm and I'm starving" Michael asked

"Yes let's go" we all agreed

In the ride back I started feeling more more dizzy and nauseated but if I said anything the guys would go into doctor mode and I'm really not in the mood for them to treat me like a child. Also we were supposed to go out tonight so I'm not risking it because then we'll stay inside

"Babe everything okay?You don't feel good?" Luke asked me

Damn it he always saw through me

"Yes I'm tired i need a nap" I said as I leaned my head on his shoulder

He moved his hand to my hair stroking lightly and swiftly touching my forehead

"You're warm" he said to me still touching my forehead

"Omg am I? I can't believe it it's summer and I'm warm" I joked

"No Soph I mean you're warmer than you should be" he said trying to be serious but I wasn't about to let him baby me

"Yeah I was in the sun Luke it's normal" I said again moving my head away from him

He turned to look at my face, analysing every inch of it

"Luke come on-" I said rolling my eyes and looking away from him to avoid him

But he immediately turned my face with his fingers on my chin

"Baby no, you're really red and your eyes are red too and that's not a good sign" he said touching my cheeks

"Luke I'm fine stop, if I was feeling off I would tell you" I said

"Yeah right" he said

"Yes I would now stop, when we're home I'm going to take a cooling bath and I'll put some body cream for hydration and everything will be fine stop worrying so much" I said to him

After that he stopped talking but I knew he wasn't convinced

And I wasn't about to prove him right

I would go home,take a nice shower, eat and then take a nap and everything would be fine

Or at least I hoped so

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