Chapter 11

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After about 10 minutes of crying and trying to pull myself together I finally got into my car and drove back to the apartment

I honestly felt like everything was going well and I was starting to believe that Jackson only wanted to scare me but I was wrong

He truly wanted to hurt me and make me his again

I was trying to control my breathing and stay calm because I knew that panicking wasn't going to help the situation or my throbbing head

But then again I should be panicking because things are getting worse

I don't know how I'm going to hide this from the guys cause they will want to go to the police but I can't let them do it cause if they do I'll be a dead woman

I arrived fast at our apartment and as soon as I got in I locked the door in case Jackson decided to follow me

Maybe I was being paranoid but then again he was dangerous and I only knew how far he could go if he wanted something bad

And believe me he can go extremely far

I went to my bedroom and quickly took one pill of my anxiety pills cause I knew I had to stop it before it got too far

After that I decided to have a shower to calm my nerves and think things through

What was I supposed to do?

How am I going to get out of this?

What if I went to the police?

Should I tell the guys?

After I took a shower and stared at my reflection for about 20 minutes I got dressed putting on I big hoodie and covering my very bruised neck with my hair

I hated that I had his marks on me again

I hated the way he marked me every time not with his love but with his hate, it made me sick seeing his fingerprints on my neck again after 5 months

I wasn't hungry , I was feeling extremely nauseous and I had a huge headache so I decided to just lay on the couch and put a movie until the guys were back

I didn't concentrate on the movie I was just staring and replaying today's scene again and again

The anxiety pill was the only thing keeping me from having a huge metal break down every 10 minutes

It was dark outside so I guess it was late when I heard the front door open

At first I was scared because I thought it was Jackson but then I heard the guys voices so I let a breath of relief

"Soph were back!" Calum yelled and I squinted my eyes as I walked to them with my hands on my ears

My headache was way worse and the yelling didn't help

"Okay okay there is no need to yell I'm here" I said and they all looked at me confused

"You okay?" Michael asked and I nodded heading to the kitchen where they all followed

"Yeah I just have a huge headache" I said squinting my eyes to the light that hurted my head even more

I took a pill for my headache I grabbed a water bottle to drink and sat down on the kitchen stool

"How was work?" I asked the guys as they all gave me weird looks but continue to prepare their dinner

"It was good you know surgeries and patients"Michael said as they all agreed sharing their day

I zoomed out for a little bit and I felt Luke's hand messing with my hair making my wince

"Ugh you know I hate that, it always make my hair have knots" I said as I tried to fix my hair

"Soph what the fuck is that?" Luke asked as he pushed my hair away from my neck and grabbed my jaw lightly to turn my head

Shit I forgot about the bruises

"What the hell?"Aston said and they all looked at my neck worriedly

"Who did this to you?" Luke asked as his hand touched my bruised neck and I winced

There is now way they are going to believe anything else except the truth

"Jackson" I said looking at my hands

"When?Why didn't you call us?" Calum asked as I still looked down at my hands trying to control my tears

I was really drained

"After I got out of the spa he was waiting for me at my car and he started saying things so I told him I would go to the police which clearly he didn't like hearing" I said as i gestured to my neck

"And then he got mad so he got physical once again" I said as I felt a tear slip from me eye

"Did you take anxiety pills?" Michael asked and I nodded

"How many?" He asked again

"One I controlled it until I was home and then I took a shower to calm my nerves" I said

"Is this why the door was locked?" Luke asked and I nodded looking at him and then looking back at my hands

He gently held my chin and made me look at him

He looked into my eyes intently slightly frowning and then he put his hand in his back pocket searching for something but before I could see what it was a light was shone into my eyes making my eyes water from pain

"Open your eyes Soph just one more time" he said lightly tapping my cheek

I slowly opened my eyes looking at him and then again he shone a light in my eyes

"You have a concussion" he said putting his light away

"Follow my hand" he said as he put his index finger to my eye level and moved it from the right to the left

"Can you stand up?" He said and I nodded

"Okay close your eyes and touch your nose" he said and I did as he said but before I could touch my nose I got really dizzy so I lost my balance and grabbed the chair

Luke caught me too trying to steady me and made me sit down again

"Do you feel nauseous or have you vomited at all?" He asked me while taking my pulse

"I do feel nauseous but I haven't vomited yet" I said and he nodded while still taking my pulse

After a while he let go of my wrist and looked at me

"You have a mild concussion I don't thing you need a CT but I want to monitor you closely cause it could take a turn really fast" he said and I nodded

"Do you have any other pains?Did he hit you on your back, stomach or your legs?" Calum asked and I shook my head

"No he just grabbed my neck and hit my head to the wall" I said as they all growed angry

"Okay we're going to talk about this tomorrow because you need to rest now" Michael said as he helped me stand up

"Don't worry about anything we will figure it out Soph" he said as he hugged my carefully and the rest of the guys joined 

I really felt like we would figure it out and I trusted the guys

But on the other hand I knew this wasn't going to be easy

*I know this is just a story but things like this happen all the time!Please don't ever let anyone hit you or abuse you in any way!Seek for help immediately!

I'm trying my best to write and upload as fast as I can❤️Thank you all for supporting my story❤️

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