Chapter 79

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"Raven, will you please get my dad?" I asked her, in fear of letting Aspen in alone.

Raven disappeared outside.

"May I come in?" She asked.

"Fine." I said, allowing her to move past me.

She looked just as elegant as she did at the party. Her stiletto nails were painted, her hair was down, but styled.

My father came in, still wearing his construction clothes.

"Aspen." He spoke.

"Ulrich! I've come a great distance to speak with you. Can we speak for a moment? In private?" She asked.

"Fine. Not here. Upstairs." He said.

She followed him up to the guardians room on the top floor. Raven rejoined me and we watched them disappear past the stairs.

"What do you think she wants?"

"Probably the same thing, but Ulrich isn't going to budge."

A part of me knew it was wrong. Perhaps it was, but I wanted to know what they were saying. Raven and I slowly creeped up the stairs, and pressed our ears to the door.

"Ulrich. Please reconsider my offer." Aspen said in a sultry voice.

"I don't think so. You can try all you want, but it's not happening."

"Word gets around quick, you know. You're working  with witches instead of your own kind. That's a disgrace, and offensive to werewolf packs everywhere."

"You're wrong. The witches have helped us many times in need. More than the other packs ever have." He defended.

"Their ways are unnatural! I can't believe you support their vile lifestyle!" Aspen yelled back.

"You don't know what you're saying." He said in a low voice. He tried to remain calm.

"Oh, I do. You need to wake up, Ulrich, and see them for what they really are!"

"SAY THAT ONE MORE TIME!" My father flipped.

"You are not just insulting MY ALLIES, but MY SON, and HIS MOTHER."

"Your son? Erin is a... Half Breed?" She gasped, almost as if she were disappointed in me.

"You disgust me with your cruel words. You are not allowed to come into MY home and insult MY family. Now get OUT before I do something I regret." He yelled, I heard something slam and break.

"Fine. But this isn't the last of me. You made your bed, and you will lay in it." She said, stomping towards the door. Raven and I bolted down the stairs. We heard Aspen slam the door, and smash her feet down the steps.

"Enjoying your visit?" I said.

"Move it, you freak!" She said, pushing past me.

Her attitude towards me had completely changed. She was kind before, now she was straight up rude. As if she looked down on us.

"Wow. She's terrible." Raven said.

"Yeah, what the hell? I didn't know that there were that strong of prejudice with witches."

"There isn't as much anymore, or so I thought. There's always going to be the few prejudice people out there, but she takes it to an extreme." Raven said. We watched her jump into her black car and haul away.

My father came back down.

"Wht was that all about?" I asked, as if I didn't hear the entire conversation.

"Same stuff. She still wants us to join her plan, but it's not going to happen. Her prejudice is much clearer, and we are not going to join someone with that mindset." Ulrich said.

"Good, dad. I'm glad to hear it." I said to him.

"Do you think she'll really come back?" Raven said.

"I think it's just empty threats. But if she does come back, I'll be ready to deal with her again." He said. My father left to continue his construction project. While he went out, Sirius and Bayne entered. Both of them were in tennis shoes and shorts. Their shirts were off, their bodies glistened with sweat.

"Oh. Erin. I didn't know you were down here." He said.

"And I thought you were at Raven's." I retorted.

"Had something to do back here. I'll be going back to Raven's soon."

"Funny, I haven't seen you there all day." Raven added.

"Funny, you must've not been paying attention who comes in and out of your house then." He said before leaving. Sirius followed him like a puppy.

"What do you think is going on?" Raven asked me.

"I don't know. He's been spending a lot of time with Sirius lately."

"They work together. It's probably normal."

"Him and Sirius had a thing." I announced.

"A thing? What kind of thing?"

"A sex thing. It was a long time ago. I don't want to be jealous or paranoid."

"I think you should talk to him." She said.

"I would if he'd give me a chance to."

I made it a mission. I was going to hunt down Bayne. I didn't want to seem jealous or crazy, I just wanted a bit of his time.

I feared that he lied saying the sex was great. Maybe he went to have great sex with Sirius.

It was getting late, the sun was going to set soon. Bayne had just arrived back. He devoured his food downstairs.

"Bayne. Can we please talk?" I asked him.

"The moon should be out soon. Maybe tomorrow."

"Please, Bayne. You've felt so distant. And I know you're keeping something from me."

"Keeping something from you?" He raised his eyebrows.

"Yes. Please tell me."

"I love you, isn't that enough?"

"It is, but I don't like that you've been lying about going to Raven's. I just want to know the truth. Please. It's eating me up inside."

"I didn't know it would bother you that much." He shoved his final spoonfuls of food in his mouth before taking my hand.

"We have to hurry. The sunset will be over soon."

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