Chapter 22: Change

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Cato POV

I wake up with the sun shining in my eyes, I rub my eyes to get rid of the crust in the corner my eyes. I then look over my shoulder and see Clove sound asleep I walk to my balcony. I stand leaning against the rail, a breeze brushes past making my skin feel cool and fresh. I hear a moan and I turn around and see Clove getting up. She sits on the edge of the bed rubbing her eyes. She wanders off the bed and walks towards me. She snakes her arms around my waist and leans against me.

"Morning, trouble maker" I breathe into her hair

"Morning" she mumbles into my chest

we walk down to the bathroom, and we go to brush our teeth. She stares at the mirror and we brush our teeth. Clove looks at me, with mischevious eyes. After she rinses her mouth with a cup, then she walks to the shower and turns on the shower. I stare at her confused, she grabs her cup and fills it with cold water. I ignore her she's being Clove and continue to brush my teeth, I then feel freezing cold water trickling down my back and dripping down my chest. I rinse my mouth and turn to Clove she just smiles

"Oops, accidents happen" she giggles

I raise an eyebrow at her, I walk up to her and pick her up. After I place her in the shower she starts screaming and squealing she steps out of the shower and she's dripping wet her clothes sticking to her body and her hair sticking to her face. She laughs at me

"Cato, come here hug me" she teases

I laugh and run to my room, she runs after me she's a fast runner

"Clove, don't hug me!!" I shout, but she doesn't stop she hugs me and I laugh

"Clove, I'm soaking wet now look at me" I chuckle, she just laughs and we go to get change in my room. She runs to her room and comes back with a stack of clothes. She dries off with a towel and then strips off. I turn the other way so I won't get scowled for being a peeping tom. After she changes I change into a v-neck shirt and a pair of cargo pants.

I turn around and seeing Clove waiting for me. She's changed into shorts and a white off shoulder shirt. Her hair is still damp from the water, the water seemed to make her hair slightly wavy. I dried my hair quickly nad we went down stairs to have breakfast. We decide to have eggs and bacon, so I start to fry the bacon and egg. While Clove pours two tall glasses of orange juice, and she sets the table.

After the food is cooked we sit down at the table and eat quietly. After eating Clove washes up and we stay home. I sit Clove down at the couch and we watch tv

"Clove, we need to change something?" I tell her

Clove POV

"What do you mean?" I ask Cato quietly

"Well, you wanted revenge and I think that needs to change" Cato tells me

"But, how can I?" I ask him

"Well, you need to forget the situation but not forget you cousin" he tells me

"I promise" I whisper

Ok guys short chapter but i will update soon :)

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