Chapter 8: One day

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Clove POV

I wake up early the next morning and stare at my alarm clock. The angry numbers 5:56 stare at me. I spend about five minutes saring at my room ceiling until I decide to take a morning shower.  I pick out a change of clothes and walk to the bathroom. I lock the bathroom door and turn the shower on. I strip off my clothes fold it in a neat pile and step into the shower. I then take a ten minute shower, I grab a towel and wrap it around myself and walk out of the bathroom. I then find Cato lounging on my bed reading a Capitol magzine.

"Hi" he simply says. He looks up from the magzine and smirks I raise an eyebrow and realise I'm just in a towel that barely reaches down to my knees. I squeel and pick up a pillow and throw it at him. He dodges it and continues to smirk at me.

"Cato, leave" I demand crossing my arms over my chest. He puts the magzine down and begins to walk towards me. I begin to back up against the wall

"Cato" I say in a dangerously low voice.

He snakes his arms around my waist and begins to tickle me. I begin to squirm in his arms and squeel.

"Cato, let go!!" I screech

"aww but I'm having fun" he purrs in my ear. He begins to nibble on my ear which me squirm even more.

"Cato!!" I screech again. He finally stops and I can finally breathe. I take deep breaths and clutch my stomach.

"Clove, are you ok?" Cato says his voice full of concern. He begins patting my back and rubbing my back in a circular motion.

"Yeah, I'm ok" I reply back I then give him a weak smile.

"I'm sorry, baby" he says sadly, he then pulls me onto his lap and cradles me

"I'm ok" I reply back. I then break away from his embrace and shove him out the door

"hey" he whines

"I'm changing Cato" I reply trying to push him off my door frame I then look up and find him smirking again. I roll my eyes and finally manage to shove him out. I lock my door and put some clothes on.

I wear a white full skirt dress with a red belt I then comb my hair back into a high bun. I also put on a pair of red ballerina flats I then walk out of my room and head towards the dining cart. I then sit myself down and butter a piece of toast to eat. Then Cato walks into the dining cart

"Hey, are you sure your ok?" Cato asks while picking up a scone

"Cato, I'm fine" I reply happily. One day till I'm home just one day. Valentina then walks in wearing a golden wig adorn with aqua flowers, bright aqua and green eyeshadow, golden eyeliner, light pink blush, golden aqua lipstick, a silly aqua dress with a golden belt and a pair of high golden shoes. Why do Capitol people wear things like this.

"Good morning Clove, Cato" she says while walking past us.I greet her back while Cato just stuffs himself with food. I roll my eyes how much can he eat. When I finish my toast I walk back to my room. Then Cato follows me like a lost puppy again like yesterday.

"Cato, why do you do this to me everytime" I ask in a annoyed tone

"Do what?" he asks oblivious

"Follow me like a lost puppy" I state. I stand at my window and look at the blur of scenery, Cato walks over to me and snakes his arms around me and nuzzles his face into the crook of my neck

"don't you like being followed around by me" he says into my neck.

" I dont know" I reply cradling my arms.I then walk to the lounge room with Cato and sit myself down and start to watch the previous games on tv. I watched the 50th hunger games also known as the 2nd Quarter Quell. The female tribute Maysilee from District 12 she was beautiful but candy-floss pink birds with skewer-like beaks; no doubt muttations killed her. So brutal I thought to myself. As she was dying her district partner sat next to her holding her hand. I tucked my knees up to my chin and watched as the last career and the district 12 boy battled to the death.

I turned and looked at Cato who was staring at the tv.

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