Chapter 6: All better

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Clove POV

After about a day Cato seem to be better. Still teasing and annoying me but better. I sat in the dining cart on a soft luxurious red couch. I lazily twirled my finger on the arm rest and I rested my head on the window staring at the view. The view was of District 10, there were rolling hills of luxious green hills an paddocks full of healthy stocky cows livestock. I watched as paddock after paddock pasted and something caught my eye at the boundry of District 10 was a figure. Seem to be a little girl about 8 years old facing the fence. Her eyes were full of sorrow and fear she turned around and ran under the boundry fence and ran off in the meadow. I froze anyone caught past their district boundries will be killed or turned into an avox. Silly girl I thought to myself. I shook my head to clear the thought of an 8 year old avox and shoved a biscuit in my mouth. I tucked my knees up to my chin and stared at my feet incredibly bored. Since Valentina and the 'rag doll' avox was looking at Capitol products. Like makeup and accesories. I sighed and sucked in a breathe before walking to my room, on my way Cato walked to me and followed me silently to my room.

"Cato, what are you doing?" I asked tiredly while buring my face into my pillow.I felt his arms wrap around my waist. I turned my face from my pillow and I face Cato, he pulls me onto his lap this time I don't resist I just let him do whatever he wants.

"Did I upset the baby?" he asks in a childish voice. I growl and slap him on the arm and just cross my arms in annoyance.

"I'm not a baby" I mummur angrily

"Fine, trouble maker then" he replies while waving his had in the air dismissively

"hey, I am not a trouble maker" I remark annoyed

Cato rolls his eyes and rests his chin on my head. Two days till we reach home just two days.

"Come on Clove it's dinner now" Cato says while getting up. I shake my head I don't want to do anything. Cato just stares at me

"Clove let's go" he says with a sigh

"I'm not hungry" I mumble

"I'll bring you some food back though" Cato says after kissing my forehead. I give him a weak smile and tuck myself under the covers. I look out my train window and see a blur of scenery past.

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