Chapter 16: Saturday

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I rise early in the morning today, I stare at the clock and the red beaming numbers stare at me 5:30am. I smiled and Iinched forward and a growl suddenly broke the silence. I looked over my shoulder, and found Cato pulling himself closer to me and buried is face in my neck, he also tightened his grip on my waist. I then stopped and waited a while for Cato to loosen his grip on my waist. After 20mins I managed to slip out of Catos' grip and I ran back to my rooma and changed into a pair of cargo pants and plain maroon v neck top. I brushed my hair quickly and then tied up my hair in a high pony tail. I grabbed the pouch from my desk and slipped on my brown leather boots.

I then grabbed a piece of paper and quickly scribbled down on the note where I was and left the note on the pillow I was sleeping on. I stood back and watched Catos' sleeping form, he looked so young and childish, I smiled and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and quickly ran down the stairs and to the door. I opened the door and quickly jogged down the old dirt path, but instead of walking to the shabby house I turned left and walked pasta abandoned factory. The factory made me shiver it was so eerie the cracked broken windows and just the site of it made me shiver.

I kept jogging and then finally reached a dense forest. I smiled and ran into the forest. I stopped in the middle of my tracks and listened carefully. Rustling leaves, I can hear it crunch crunch crunch under some type of pressure, it's proably somebodys' feet. I crouched down low and I draw out a knife.

I press the tip of my blade against my bottom lip, and wait silently. I begin to count to 10















I spring up from my crouching position and quickly throw the knife behind me strong and fast. The knife hits a tree just above somebody. I stand up straight and smirk

"Oh look who I got" I say walking towards the person. It's Ben, Catos' old friend Ben or as Cato calls in 'Benny Boy'.

"Clove" he says smiling. I reach above his head and pull out my wedged knife.

"I'd thought I had better aim" I said bitterly

"So did I" he replied, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

"So, where's Cato?" he asks twirling his sword, obviously trying to show off

"At home, sleeping" I reply slipping my knife back in my pouch

"Shouldn't you be in bed with him" he asks cocking his eyebrow. I scowl at him and slap his arm and walk back out the forest.

"Hey, wait up!" he shouts at me, but I continue to ignore him. He begins to follow me, then catches up and follows me like a lost puppy

"Why are you following me?" I ask him curiously

"I want to see Cato" he replies

"Fine" is all I say. My lips press into a thin tight line since I don't know Ben so well.

We walk all the way home, and I open the door then Cato runs to the door engulfing me in a hug

"Morning, trouble maker" he whispers. I roll my eyesand then slip out of his hug

"Cato, you remeber Ben right?" I say pointing at Ben behind me.

They stare each other for a while and then Cato has his boyish grin plastered on his face.

Pic of Ben on the side check it out :) ---------------------------------->

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