Chapter 2: Before the Interview

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Just to recap :)

"Now I hope you remeber where your room is" Pauletta says breaking the silence

"Of course" I reply happily. I give her a hug and run off to my room only to bump into a monster. Cato


"Oww" I mumble rubbing hy forehead and looking at Cato. He seems better than he was in the arena. He wears a red checkered shirt and denim jeans. Also munching on an apple.He just smiles and lifts an eyebrow I scowl at him and try to walk to my room. He moves to the side to block me

"Hey move it" I say crossly shoving him aside. He grabs my arm and pulls me back

"I need to discuss the interview happening tonight" he says still munching his apple. I roll my eyes and he pulls me towards his room. I sit on the window sill and stare at the view of the Capitol. After a while Cato breaks the silence by clearing his throat

"So, Snow said we're engaged" he says firmly, my eyes shoot up and I stare at him. What!! Engaged oh my god I wish I really had killed him in the games. Why engaged I'd rather be turned into an avox argh!!!!

"But why!?" I blurt out annoyed

"I don't know" he simply replies

"I'd rather die" I mumble to myself.

"So at the interview you have to pretend to be in love with me" he says casually. I sit there with my knees tucked up to my chin. Silent. He stares at me and shakes my shoulder

"Did you hear me Clove?" he askes

"Yeh, yeh have to be in love with you..." I trail off. He smiles and then flings a pillow in my face causing bits of my hair to mess up.

"Hey" I growl while standing up and throwing the pillow back at him

"Get out, unless you want to stay" he says while unbuttoning his shirt. I give a small squeak and run to his door. He laughs and shoves me out the door. Shoving my bum I growl at him and whispers in my ear

"I know you liked that" I feel my face go red and I slap him on the shoulder. Yuck!! Why the hell would I like that.

I scurry off to my room and fall back on my bed. When suddenly Pauletta burst in my room I jump up and she shouts

"Come on Clove!!" as she drags me out of my room and out of the District 2 pent house. I walk to the elevator with her and she shoves me out the elevator as soon as we get to the styling room.I see Valentina, Victoria and Madeline all shouting like idiots.

"Clove come here I made your dress for the interview tonight!!" she shouts with excitment. She instructs me to strip off my clothing an dget into the dress. When I finish Victoria and Madeline do my make up and hair while I can hear Valentina and Pauletta discussing what shoes I should wear. Its a mess in here. When they finish I standup and look in the mirror I gasp.

My hair is in a neat elegant dutch flower braid, silver eyeiner, light pink eyeshadow , light pink blush, blush coloured lipstick. My dress is stunning. It's an A-line dress in blood red and the bottom of my dress is gold  my shoes are silver and high platformed. I twirl around and give my stylist a hug.

"Thank you!!" I shriek. They all smile and Valetina shoves me out the door

"Clove go and line up with Cato for your interview." I obey and wait behind the stage for Cato.

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