Chapter 24: Wedding reception part 2-Real thing

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We are escorted into a black limo, as soon as we buckle up the limo starts.To be honest I'm kinda nervous I start playing with my fingers and biting my bottom lip, then a hand reaches over and squeezes mine

I smile and look up

"Nervous?" Cato asked

"how can't I be?" I reply with a weak smile

"It's ok you'll be fine, I promise" he tells me reassuringly

I hold his hand until we arrive, the black door of the car swings open, flash lights and cheers erupt I smile Cato exits the car first then I follow him we walk into the reception venue together

It's big inside a grand stair case, shimmering chanderliers, tables of food, an orchestra, people everywhere mostly people I don't even know  and of course President Snow.

Cato wraps his arm around my waist and I put my arm around his waist and we walk in together. We are greeted by all sorts of people

"Congratulations, we are very happy for you two" Effie Trinket says perky, while Haymitch Abernathy who stands next to her just staring at us nodding his head and mummuring "Congratulations"

"Well, victors congratulation"Brutus say smiling, Enorbaria flashing her a smile showing her sharp gold tipped teeth, making me shiver nervously. Enorbia wears a strapless golden dress that flows to the floor and Brutus wears a black tuxedo and a golden tie. They look like a couple a deadly couple

they both then walk off, then a tall woman in about her early 20s with short cropped black hair and dark skin. She wears a thin strapped long emerald green dress slashed at the side to show her long slim legs. She wears a gold chain around her neck and golden heels.

"Congratulations" she mutters she seems unhappy

"I don't think I know you" I tell her

"I'm Johanna Mason, from district 7 I was the victor of one of the previous Hunger Games" she tells me her voice tells me this is a very touchy subject to talk to her about, Cato then leaves my side to go to President Snow

"Oh" I simply reply

"So do you have any friends or family here today" I ask her

"No, they are all in a diffrent place" she replies quietly and rather upset

"I see, I hope you enjoy the night" I tell her trying to cheer her up

"Thank you" she says walking off.

I looks around the room confused trying to find President Snow Cato people continue to congratulate me and I thank them. I find Cato and President Snow at the top of the stairs, I quickly walk up there since I can't run in the dress. When I reach the top I join Catos' side.

"Hello Clove" Snow greets smoothly

"Hello" I reply my voice squeaks

"To congratulate you btoh on your wedding I have a present for both of you" he says, he turns to an avox and gives me a samll pocket sized navy blue box, I nod in return as a thank you

I open it and it holds a ruby,dimond and pearl encrusted brooch it is truly breathe taking but I am suspicous

"Thank you president" I say gratefully

"Yes, thank you President Snow" Cato adds happily, we walk down the stairs I give the box to Cato and he shoves it in his pocket.

We stay at the bottom of the stair case, I lean on the railing watching the people dancing happily I smile at them. Cato then drags me to the middle of the dance floor and begins dancing with me.

"Cato no this is embarassing" I hiss

"No it's not" he tells me smuge, I roll my eyes

he leads while I follow his steps suddenly towards the end of the dance, Cato lifts me up into the air I can't contain my laugh filled with happiness everyone in the room looks at us all happily.

Then the music stops and my feet are placed back on the floor I hold onto Cato to steady myself, I look up at him and nods towards the president gesturing he is about to annouce something.

"Welcome, welcome guests, friends, victors and so on" he bellows, I flinch he's voice sounds cold and unforgiving

"You all join us today to celebrate the day Cato and Clove, our 74th Victors of the Hunger Games Happy day" he annouces, he then picks up a tall glass of champange

"To Cato and Clove" he annouces

"To Cato and Clove' everyone says in unison some glance at us and others keep their eyes fixed on the president, Cato kisses me on the top of the head and I snuggle close to Cato.

I feel insecure and like something is wrong

End of Chapter

ok guys long time no update, IM SO SORRY!! >.< I've been busy racing also with school and I just haven't had much inspiration to write this chapter

Pic of Cato and Cloves' gift on the side-------------------------------------->


I'm sorry it's short    .-.

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