Chapter 4: Before the ride back home

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Just to recap :)

She looks beautiful when she's sleeping. I brush a lock of her dark hair from her face and fiss her forehead. I pick her up and take her to her room she almost weighs nothing. I tuck her into bed and leave her to sleep. While I return back to my room to retire.


Cato POV

I wake up and feel a pounding in my head. I begin to groan and moan holding my temple, tossing and turning in my bed. I eventually get out of bed and wash up, I feel refreshed but the pounding in my head has reduced but I still feel tired and irritated. I walk to the kitchen and find Valentina and an avox preparing a tray with a tall glass of orange juice, a piece of raisin toast and a bowl of porridge.

"Oh, good morning Cato" she greets me in her silly capitol accent, while turning around to face me.

"Good morning Valentina" I greet tired. She nods and walks past me, heading towards Cloves' room. I sigh loudly and fall on the couch. I begin to close my eyes and drift off, until Valentina taps my shoulder

"Cato, today you and Clove will return to district 2" she says excited

"really?" I ask

"Yes you and Clove will leave at noon" she says happily

"Ok" I mumble. She pats my shoulder and leaves me alone. I stare at the clock sitting next to me on the table. The angry numbers 10:30am stare at me I groan and decide to go to bed. I walk back to my room strip of my t-shirt and go to bed. Then everything goes black.

Clove POV

I rest in bed while Valentina is preparing my breakfast. I stare at my window and draw the curtain back to look at the view, then I hear a knocking on the door. I instantly close the curtain and turn to face Valentina standing next toan avox holding my breakfast.

"Good morning Valentina" I greet happily

"Good morning lovey" she says happily.

She signals for the avox to place the tray on my bed side table. The avox is very pretty she looked about 17 years old and she has striking orange hair. When she sets my breakfast down I mouth the words 'thank you' and she smiles back at me. Bows and retreats back to Valentinas' side.

"Enjoy your breakfast deary" Valentina says while exiting my room.

I scoff down the raisin toast and drink the tall glass of orange juice. I leave my poridge to cool down. I sigh in relief after eating my breakfast. I look at the clock sitting next to my breakfast the numbers 11:30am stare at me. I get out of bed and brush my teeth and hair. I walk to Catos' room to get him since we board the train in half an hour. I walk to his room and find him sound asleep on his bed. I snort quietly to myself he actually looks peaceful and harmless when sleeping. I brush a lock of his
hair back and start to shake his shoulder and call his name.

Cato POV

I feel a shaking on my shoulder. I moan and groan and eventually open my eyes. I see Clove shaking my shoulder

"What Clove?" I growl. She jerks her hand back and rolls her eyes

"Cato we leave soon" she replies quietly I turn away from her.

"Cato, seriously let's go Valentina is waiting" she begins to raise her voice. I groan and turn towards her. My vision begins to blur and I groan again and hold my temple

"Come on Cato" Clove urges me. I eventually get out of bed and slowly walk out the room.

"Cato, get a shirt on!!!" Clove screams at me while throwing a shirt at my face. I chuckle quietly and put on a checkered shirt also slipping on a pair of sneakers. I tap Clove on the shoulder to tell her I'm ready. I still feel the pounding in my head start again. Clove starts to scowl at me and drags me to the elevator. I lazily follow behind her tracks. We then enter the elavator and walk to the station to board our train.

Sorry if there are any mistakes in speeling or grammar

Enjoy  the chapter :)

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