A Punny Skeleton

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It didn't hurt. No pain. Unusual, it should have been a bit of pain, then nothing. Death. Instead, I smell flowers, and see sunlight from above. I stand up and look around. I landed on a bed of unusualy soft flowers. I walk down a path, and meet an adorable, yet powerful-feeling flower.

"Howdy, huma-" He stopped and stared at me, "What in the actual fuck?"

"Hi, I'm y/n, I'm a half human, if that's what surprised you."

"..." Flower Boy looked dumbstruck.

"I hope you're not gonna kill me."

"Oh, I'm not soule- wait, I am. Ok, I'm not evil." The plant said.

I wasn't sold. Not yet, anyways.

"Ok, Mr. Flower Boy. What's your name?"

"Flowey. Flowey the Flowey, but my real name is Asriel." He said.

"Ok. I'll just call you Flowey. Can you show me where I can find others?"

Flowey looked happy to. He burrowed underground, or more accuratley, further underground, and popped up futher away. He led me through all the traps in the place he called the ruins, and led me to a place called Snowdin Forest.

"Ok. This is where you'll find more monsters. No one lives in the Ruins anymore, so no sense in going back there. Frisk let us know that humans still kill mosters up on the surface, so Frisk told us we'd have to wait until the humans forgive us, meaning we won't go up there right now, thank Asgore. So, we live down here. We make it work, staying alive and thriving."

"Huh. So, anyone live here?" I asked the flower, trusting him a bit now.

"Not in the forest. But, farther on, past the traps Royal Guard Papyrus made to stop bad humans, which now work terrifically thanks to Frisk and Alphys, there's Snowdin Town. Sans, the Royal Judge, Papyrus, and Frisk live here."

"Ok. So, how do I go around the traps? I don't want to get stuck."

Flowey just gave me a smirk, grabbed me with his vines, and carried me over all the traps, 50 ft. in the air very fast, and put me down at the entrance. I was shaking and sweating. A few monsters looked at me funny. I just sat down and let my mind catch up to my body. I found the strength to stand up, and walked down the street through the quaint little town.

"Hey! Girl!" 

I heard a voice call from behind me. Turning around, I see a few monster teens, and then an iceball to the face. It broke my nose. I fell down to the ground and held my nose. It was beleeding. The kids laughed and ran away, only to be stopped by light blue magic. I look behind me and see who helped me. It was a very attractive skeleton wearing a blue hoodie. His left eye and hand were glowing with the same light blue magic.

"What you kids think you're doing?" He said.

"I-it was just a prank man!" One of the teens said.

"A prank?! You broke this girl's nose!" He said angrily. He raised them about a foot in the air and dropped them. The kids ran off scared.

"Hey, you alright?" The skeleton asked, concerned.

"Yea, thanks." I said, blushing ever so slightly.

He helped me up and took a look at my nose. He saw my face, and was a bit surprised, but shook it off, and cleaned up the blood.

"The name's Sans. Sans the Skeleton." He said. I saw a tinge of blue on his face. Was he blushing?

"Oh, hey. The little flower guy told me about you!"

"Oh, the weed. Yea, he's cool."

"Weed?" I asked, confused.

"Inside joke. Come with me to my house, we'll get that nose fixed up."

He grabbed my hand and led me to a cute house. Sans knocked on the door, waited a bit, and it opened up to reveal a second skeleton, but taller.

"Oh my god, Sans!! It's another human, but they're a skeleton too!!" He yelled, seeming very excited.

"Is he your big brother or something?" I asked Sans. He laughed.

"In height, yes. Age, no. His name is Papyrus, and he's only 19. I'm 22. Despite my height, I'm the big brother." Sans told me, leading me into the house.

It was cute. There was a big screen tv, a olive green couch, and a table with a rock covered in sprinkles on it. A sign infront of it read, "Pet Rock." Ok then. Behind that was a kitchen with an unusually tall sink. Then there was the second floor with three doors. One led to the balcony. A ladder was beside it that I assumed led to the attic.

"Nice digs," I told Sans, "It's very lived in feeling."

He chuckled and sat me down on the couch. Sans teleported away, somehow, and came back with a first aid kit. It took a bit, but he managed to get my nose back in place. He put a bandage on it and cleaned up the new blood that came don my nose. As he was doing so, I got a cheddar look at the skeleton with a cheesy smile. He was very cute, and I felt very safe aroud him.

"There. We should be good now. So, I never got your name." Sans said.

"Oh, I'm y/n. f/n calibri l/n."

"Oh, so you've got a font in your name too," Sans said, "That's cool to hear. Welcome to Snowdin, a super ice place."

"SAANNS!!!!" I heard Papyrus yell.

"He doesn't approve of my cheesy puns, even though they're gouda ones."

I burst out laughing, "Oh, I can't brie-lieve you said that. That was chedder than any I've ever told!"

We laughed and made pun after pun until Papyrus had enough and screamed at us to stop. I liked this guy, he was nice. I asked him if I could stay here for the night, as I had nowhere to go.

"Of course. You can have the couch."


We went to sleep, but before I was fully asleep, I felt something like, a kiss on my forehead? Did he just.. give me a kiss on te forehead? I was too tired to think more about it, and I fell asleep.

Female Reader x Sans (Undertale Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now