An Interesting Day

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I woke up to the smell of.. Ok, I don't know what it is, but it is a smell. I sat up on the couch, and to my surprise, saw Sans sleeping sitting up on the other end. I shook him awake.

"Hu- what?" He said, confused for a sec.

"Why'd you sleep here on the couch?" I asked him.

"I just wanted to be near you, to keep you safe if anyone came by." He said. Ok, that's cute.

I stood up and walked to the kitchen. Papyrus was busy making something that looked like spaghetti. Why spaghetti for breakfast? Eh, whatever. It's food. I sat down and waited for it to be done. It smelled... good? He put a nice, big pile on my plate, and I dug in. I imediatley felt sick. My face went pale, and I felt like throwing up. Sans noticed this, and ran to get me a bucket. I puked in it as soon as it was in my hands.

"Y/n! Are you ok?" Paps asked me.

"I'm sorry, Papyrus. I don't mean to be rude, but one cook to another, this is terrible. What's in it?" I said.

"Dog food, ketchup, diced tomatoes, and glitter. Oh, and a fish bone."

That was it. I puked so hard, I fainted. The bucket somehow landed perfectly and didn't spill, and I blacked out.

An hour later, I woke up in some kind of lab. A large group consisting of a yellow dinosaur, a fish lady, a human child, and a glamourous robot was surrounding me. I saw only three familiar faces. Flowey, Sans, and a very upset looking Papyrus.

"Ugh, where am I? And who are you guys?" I asked, confused.

The fish lady walked up to me.

"Hiya, punk! I'm Undyne! The dinosaur is Alphys, the Royal scientist. The robot is Mettaton. The human is Frisk, and the flow-"

"I know the flower," I said, "His name is Flowey."

"Oh, cool! And you know Sans and Paps, too, right?"

"Yea. Sans is a skeleton of fun." I replied, laughing.

Undyne, Paps and Mettaton groaned. Frisk, Flowey and Alphys were laughing, while Sans bushed a cyan colour. I noticed this. I had a feeling he liked me the way I liked him. I just had to get him alone to ask him.

"Well, thanks for helping me and stuff."

"H-how'd you g-get food poi-poisoning, Y-Y/n?" Alphys asked, stuttering a bit.

"Um..." I didn't want to say. Paps could get in trouble.

"It was my fault," Papyrus told the group, "My cooking seems to have made y/n sick. I guess I am not a good cook after all."

"Hey, Paps. It's ok. I can teach you," I told him, not wanting to see him sad. It seemed to work.

"Really?! You would do that for I, the Great Papyrus?!"

"Yea, of course."

Papyrus beamed. He ran up to me and gave me a bone-crushing hug.

"Paps.. I can't breathe.." I said.

"Oh, sorry, Y/n."

He let go. 

"S-so, I noticed someth-thing. While scanning your body, I-I saw you have t-two souls."

Everyone went quiet.

"I a-assume it's be-because you're a hybrid, and i-if one were to die, y-you'd be able t-to survive with the o-other one."

"Cool." I said.

"B-but, if you lose your h-human s-soul, you'll become a f-full skeleton, and vice v-versa."

"Huh, interesting."

Well, that was interesting. We all left. Sans, Papyrus and I went back to their house. I decided, when we got there, I'd have Sans take me to his room, and I'd ask him about the thing.

We finally got there, and Papyrus immediately ran to his room, got his weapons, and left for training with Undyne. This was my chance.

"Sans. I wanted to ask you something."

"Ok, shoot."

"Do you have a crush on me?"

He stared at me, his face a dark blue.

"It's ok, I won't judge," I assured him.

He mumbled something under his breath.


"Yes! Ok? I like you!" He said, blushing dark blue. It was kinda cute.

"Well, that's good to hear," I said.

"Huh?" He looked confused.

"Yea, I may or may not like you that way too, I said, blushing green.

Sans looked at me. He looked stunned.

"You good?" I asked him.

"Oh, yea. Um, it's just that, no girl has ever said that back to me. It's always been rejections."

"Oh, Sans.." I said. I gave him a big hug, and he hugged me back just as hard. I had a hard time breathing, but I didn't care. He needed this, and tibia honest, so did I.

Female Reader x Sans (Undertale Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now