The Void

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Was I here?

I opened my eyes. A black world was around me. I stood up. The ground was grass, but it was black. I figure, also wearing black, stood a few feet away. I walked towards them.


He jumped, obviously not expecting my voice. Turning around, I saw he was a skeleton, with a cracked face.

"Hello." He said, "I am Dr. W.D. Gaster. Who are you?"

"My name is Y/n. Are you by any chance Sans's dad?"

"H-how do you know my son?"

"Heh, long story. But I've come to get you out."

He looked at me, a sad smile on his face.

"My dear, I cannot get out. I am not sure how you got in here, but you are now trapped too."

"I don't think so."

He looked at me strange. I made the same grabbing motion and summoned my glass-like soul. He stared at it dumbfounded.

"Wow.. STRENGTH.. I never though I'd see the day.."

"I will get you out. But fisrt, we need to find Chara."

Like BeetleJuice, as soon as I said her name, she appeared.


"I've come to help you."

"You can't help a demon."

"Well, I don't see any demons."

When I said that, she started crying. But the tears were black, HATE. As she cried, her red eyes were revealed. I walked up to her.

"Why do you want to help me.?"

"Because, you're not bad. I can see it. The HATE is wrong. You are strong. How else have you survived here?"

She cried more, and hugged me. When she let go, her red eyes had gone chocolate brown.

"Show me your soul."

She pulled out a beating black heart. It was dripping HATE. Using my STRENGTH magic, I pulled it all out. Her soul was red and cracked. I destroyed the HATE and healed her soul.

"We need to go now." I told them.

Chara grabbed Gaster's and my hands, and I concentrated. We were back in Sans's room. All three of us. I had done it. Sans got up as soon as he saw us reappear. He ran over and hugged his dad.

"I- Yo- I love you dad.."

"As do I, Sans."

Chara hid behind me, scared of Sans.

"Chara, you can come out."

Sans saw her, and his eyes blackened.

"Sans. Don't be mad at her," I said, giving him a kiss on the cheekbone, "It was the HATE. It consumed her. She couldn't stop it."

Sasn's face softened. He walked over to her, and did something unexpected. He hugged her.

"I am so sorry. About all the times I killed you and Frisk."

"I-it's ok." Chara said, wiping a tear.

I grabbed my phone. This time, I texted Tori.

Y/n: Tori. Bring Azzy, Frisk and Asgore. Now please.

Tori: Ok dear

Y/n: Oh, and don't fight with Asgore. This is bigger than that.

Tori: Ok

About ten minutes later, the Dreemurrs entered the house. I had Chara hide in the Dog Shrine until it was time to show them.

"Howdy," Asgore said.

"Hello, your majesty," Gaster said, bowing slightly.

"Gaster? How? You were dead!" Toriel said.

"Not quite. In The Void actually."

I walked over.

"Please come this way. We have a surprise for you."

I walked them over to the kitchen, and stood infront of the tall sink.

"Ok, you can come out now." I said to Chara.

She walked out, and when she saw her parents, ran and hugged them. Azzy and Frisk joined in, all crying.

"You are very thanked, Y/n." Asgore said, "I never thought I'd see Chara again."

The Dreemurrs hugged. Papyrus came down to see what the ruckus was, and when he saw his dad, hugged him so hard he couldn't breathe.

Sans grabbed my hand, taking me into the Dog Shrine.

"Sans why did yo-"

He cut me off with a kiss. I melted into it, pressing my face onto his. When he broke the kiss, we both were blushing super hard, him a dark blue and me a dark green.

"Thank you, Y/n." Sans said.

"I couldn't leave them in there, not after what you told me."

"You have made me more happy than you could imagine."


He hugged me, squeezing very tight.

"You filled me with HOPE. I can never thank you enough."

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