A Town Lost And Found

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I ran into Snowdin Forest, by the fishing pole.

"W-what was that?"

It hurt like hell. Whatever it was, the HATE didn't like it. I sat down and breathed slow.



"Where are you?!?!"

People were calling me. I had to run. I dived into the fridgid water and swam across, the HATE keeping me warm. I reached the other side, and ran. I followed the path until I reached an area of Snowdin I'd never seen. It was a small, deserted town. I looked at the snow covered sign.

"Iceberg Town- Population: xxxx0"

Four of the numbers were crossed out, leaving only the 0.

"This place is perfect."

I set up a small living area in the back of the town, in the top apartment of a 5 story building. A layer of dust covered the appartment. Suddenly it hit me. This town wasn't just abandoned.

It was murdered.

I smiled to myself. No one would come near a place like this. 

I searched the appartment and found a rusty pocket knife. I put it in my pocket and kept looking. I saw some old clothes that belonged to the monster who lived here. A black t-shirt and some faded jeans were discovered in a dresser. A black leather jacket in a closet. Some black converse by the front door. Whoever lived here had a good taste in fashion. 

I spotted something in a nightstand in the bedroom. It was a necklace box, and when I opened it, I saw a beautiful necklace.

 It was a necklace box, and when I opened it, I saw a beautiful necklace

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It reminded me of a necklace I used to own. I don't know why, but I took it.


"Where are you?!"

They were in the building. I got down on the ground and crawled under the bed. There was a small area under the bed where it was dark, and just big enough for me to hide in it.

"Are you in here?" I heard Frisk say.

She opened the door and entered the bedroom. Frisk opened the closet to look in it, and I took the chance to climb out. I got behind her, pulling out the rusty knife. She turned around, and I stabbed her in the arm.

She shrieked, and Papyrus ran into the room. Sans was right behind him.

I was out numbered, and so I did something stupid. I jumped out the glass-less window. I used my soul dagger to catch myself, and swung into the fourth floor appartment. 

"Please! We just want to help you!" I heard Frisk shout.

I just ran. The town was supposed to be my sanctuary, but they found it no sweat. I ran to the elevator and got in. The doors started to close, but then Chara slipped in.

"W-what do you want?" I asked.

She said nothing. I backed up to the wall, and she followed me. I pushed myself into the corner and waited for her to attack, but she didn't. She did something very unexpected.

She hugged me.

It hurt like hell, the HATE inside me being killed by KINDNESS.

I fell to the ground in pain, and the HATE came back up, like puke. It was a pure black goo, writhing in pain. Chara walked to it and smashed her foot down on it, the KINDNESS inside her destroying it.

"Are you ok?" She asked me.

I nodded, and blacked out, the pain from the HATE too much.

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