Nothing But HATE

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"Y-Y/n?" I heard Sans say.

(Y/n, what a stupid name. I think I'll change that.)

"Yea, I'm not gonna go by Y/n anymore, bonebag. From now on, I am Void."

Sans looked heartbroken.

"You aren't the one I fell in love with."

"I love nothing."

A sad look washed over Sans' face, and a tear rolled down his cheek bone. Pathetic.

"Why are you crying, you idiot? Love is for the weak. LOVE, is what matters."

Sans looked enraged.

"I will save you, even if you think you don't need it. This isn't you."

I laughed at his pathetic attepmts at saving the old me.

Sans shoed everyone out, and pulled me into a FIGHT.

Bones shot out the ground, and I jumped over them. I summoned a blue-green sheild and blocked more bone attacks. I summoned a dagger the same colour and held it in my right hand.

"Just stop this," he said, letting his guard down for a second.

I lunged at him, and he dodged my attack.

"I guess it's gonna be the hard way then."

"I wouldn't have it any other way," I said.

We had an intense battle. Bones and daggers flew. I slashed at him, missing everytime.

"We can stop this now!" He yelled, "Ot doesn't have to be like this!"

*He doesn't matter. Monsters are a disease.

"Of course you'd think that! You're soft!" I yelled back.

I slashed at him, and the knife almost went into his chest, but I felt something on my back, and my arm froze. Tears ran down my face.

"Wh-what is this?" I asked, crying.

I looked behind me, and saw Chara, her hand on my back. She was crying. The HATE made this feel painful, and I ran away.

I looked back, and saw Sans fall to the ground crying.

Female Reader x Sans (Undertale Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now