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(A/N Btw, I made a change to the first chapter, just so that this chapter works better. Keep being awesome, guys!)

So, water to the face. Fun way to wake up. But, I can't blame them. Apparently I was out for even longer than Sans, and that's scary. I got up and put on my hoodie that Papyrus made for me. It was like Sans's but it was black. I put on a f/c top and some jeans, the left the room to go downstairs.

I had thought Chara was gone, but man, was I dead wrong. Pfft.

Heya, Y/n. So, I see we're a liar now, eh?

(What do you mean?)

I just remembered. You gave your human soul to Azzy.


That means you don't have your KINDNESS powers.

(Oh, but I do.)

How? You'd need your human soul, silly.

(Before I gave my soul to Asriel, I took a piece off it, and a piece off my moster soul, and swapped them. That way I'd keep my powers.)

You sneaky bastard...

(You demon asshole)

Ugh. I am getting tired of this. I need to find a way to neutralize your soul. KINDNESS is impossible to take control of.

(Bye bye. See ya. Get outta my head, ya demonic brat.)

Chara left and I walked down the stairs.

Only to be tackled by a tiny child.

"Guaaah!" I said as I went down.

"Another skeleton!" The kid yelled, clearly happy.

"Ok, Frisk. You can get off her now," Sans said, chuckling a bit.

I stood up and took a better look at my attacker. So, this was Frisk, huh? They had chocolate brown hair and eyes, a light blue sweater with two stripes, and brown capris. Well, she clearly hasn't aged, the timelines only resetting the Underground.

"Um, you're Frisk?" I asked.


"Um, ok. Sans? The three of us need to go to our room for a sec."

Sans nodded, and teleported us up to his room.

"Ok, how do I say this. Frisk you've been down here for 30 years."

"I know." She replied.

"Did you aso know when you reset, it's just the Underground?"

Her face fell.

"What?" She asked quietly.

"On the surface, you've been missing for 30 years."

"Does that mean we can go there now? We've waited long enough?"

"Far from it, kid. Your disappearance has made humans HATE monster kind. Most souls are HATE now. HATE for monster kind."

She stayed quiet.

"Monsters can never return to the surface, Frisk. You have to tell everyone."

"But, I told them we'd just wait until humans forgave us. I don't know what they'll think. They won't understand why."

I thought about this for a moment.

"We have to tell them about the timelines, the resets, everything."

"What?!" Frisk and Sans yelled in perfect unison.

"There's no other choice. How else would we tell them they can't ever see the surface."

Sans sighed and agreed. I grabbed my phone and sent a text in the group message.

(A/n Pancake is you)

Pancake: Guys, we have something big to tell you.

SpearLady: Oh? Is it juicy gossip?

ScienceGal: Ok, we'll head on over soon

GoatMom: Should we bring anything?

Skeletonofpuns: Just an open mind.

Determined: And your pie please.

FluffyBuns: Ok, what time should we come?

Determined: How about 6pm? In two hours.

MTT: That sounds lovely, darling.

Skeletonofpuns: Remind me again why we invited the tin can to the group chat?

I put my phone away and looked at Sans. He just winked.

I got prepared for the disscusion that would take place in an hour.

Female Reader x Sans (Undertale Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now