A Tough Decision And An Interesting Convo

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Flowey came by a few days later. He seemed hesitant about something, and nervous.

"Hey, y/n," He started, "I wanted to ask you something.. big."

"Um, ok. Sure." I said, looking at Sans, who was standing beside me.

"We all know you have two souls,"

"Yea? So?" Sans asked, curious.

"So, I was wondering, could I maybe, have one?"

"What?!" Sans asked, furious, "What kind of a question is that?!"

"Hey, Sans," I said, trying to calm him down, "It's ok, let's hear him out first."

Flowey looked kind of guilty asking this of me, but kept talking.

"My mom and dad got divorced, and I haven't actually seen them in a long time. I want to be myself and be with them again. Maybe if I come back as Asriel, it'll make them get back together. They still love eachother, but Mom doesn't like showing it."

I thought hard about this. It would be weird. And, which one would I give up? It was a tough decision, and I had to think about it.

"Flowey, I'm going to need to think about this. Come back later today, I'll have my mind made up by then."

"Ok. Take your time." He popped under the carpet, through a little patch of dirt Sans uncovered so he could visit us whenever.

I had to think long and hard about this. It had happened so abrubptly, I didn't know what to think.

Hours passed, and I was still thinking. Sans occasionally brought me some food or drink while I sat on our bed thinking. It was tough. I didn't know what to decide, and it made my head hurt. I thouht, and thought, and finally, I made up my mind. Flowey came by twenty minutes later to see what I decided.

"So, what'cha gonna do?" Flowey asked me.

"Well, I guess you can have one of my souls. I decided, you could have my human soul. I'd rather be a skeleton than a human. Humans killed my family, and I will never forgive them. Frisk is the only human I trust."

"Wow.. Th-thanks, y/n." Flowey said.

I concentrated, and brought out my soul. I deattached it from myself, and gave it to Flowey. As I pulled it out of my chest, I slowly started bcoming more skeletal, until I was a full skeleton.

Sans looked at me. He was blushing hard.

"W-wow.. I- uh.." He stuttered.

"What?" I asked flirtatiously, "Like what you see?"

Sans blushed a navy blue. It was the deepest I'd ever seen before. It was really cute. We looked back at Flowey, but he was gone. Instead, a goat child who looked like Chara stood infront of us.

"Hi.." The goat said, a bit shy.

"Asriel?" A familiar voice asked.

We hadn't even oticed the door open, and Toriel walk in. Asriel ran over to her and hugged the fluff out of the former queen.

"I missed you, Mom," Flowey-turned-Asriel said.

"Ho- whe- why?" She couldn't form any words. The sight of her son alive again brought so many emotions.

Me and Sans decided to leave. We didn't want to spoil the family reunion.

So, the flower finally became my sweet goat boy? Well, at least he has a happy ending


(What do you want?)

Well, life, obviously. And, the souls of everyone in the Undergound~


Chara stayed silent.


Silence. I decided to leave it be. She and I would talk later. Besides, Sans looks worried.

"Y/n? You good?" He asked.

"Yea. Just got a little demon in my head, nothing too bad."

"Good, goo- What?!" Sans exclaimed.

"Yea, so Chara's in my head..." I said, kinda freaked myself, "She... uh, how do I say this gently? She said she wants the souls of everyone in the Underground. Yep."

Sans looked at me with a fearful expression.

"If Chara's in your head, she has the ability to take control of your body."

My face took on the same fearful expression as Sans's. Chara wants to kill, and can take over my body.. If she takes control of me, everyone I care about will die. Sans, will die. I can't let that happen...

I had a family. They were nice. And now, I am going to kill them. They're souls are mine.


Watch out, Y/n. Sans will be mine too...


I waited, and got nothing.

"Hey, earth to Y/n?" I heard Sans say, "Oh, good. You are there. You had me worried."

"Chara.." I said, quietly.

"Did they do something to you?" He asked, concerned.

"N-no.. It's just, what she said... it.. I don't know..."

Sans looked at me, and seeing how shaken up I was, did the only thing he could think of.

"Well, don't talk if you don't wanna. You lookd rattled, tibia honest."

"Oh, MemeLord makes another pun!"

"Is that my nickname?" He asked playfully.

"Naw,  got a better one, Skelebuns."

He chuckled a bit.

"Skelebuns, I like that."

"Hey, can we go to Grillby's? I'm famished." I asked him.


Female Reader x Sans (Undertale Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now