Chapter Thirteen

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Killion's part of vision.

I can't marry Silvia. I don't want to end up like my parents.

They ended up hating eachother. I don't want to hate her. I am in love with her. When I told her that I can't marry her she was furious. She seemed so happy before I told her.

I have to explain. I don't want her to think that I don't want her. My heart only longs for her.

Even six years ago she was the only one who offered me food when she tried so hard to earn it. I felt guilty for taking part of her food when she told me her story. At that night I felt miserable.

At the battlefield she was my only hope. All these years I kept myself alive only to see her again.

When she got drunk and we shared a bed I was the happiest person alive. At the battlefield she protected me and even saved me from certain death.

How can I not love her?

Her bright smile would only belong to me if I married her but it won't last long.

Tonight at the banquet I will talk to her.


She arrived at the banquet hall and a man kept annoying her. How dare he?!

I took the chance to talk to her and sent away the scum man. I was about to talk to her when she said
"Get lost"

Her cold expression made me freeze. I really broke her. Then she went to a private audience with the emperor.

I wanted to explain to her about my childhood and let her know why I can't marry her but after the audience she left.

I rushed to her mansion and waited to speak to her. I saw her through the window talking to the butler and then look at me. She gave me a cold stare and then  she said something to the butler.

A minute later the butler came and told me that she doesn't want to see me. I didn't want to believe that she doesn't want to see me. I knelt down to the ground as my legs gave up and my eyes searched for her.

Then she closed the curtains.

I can't give up yet. We really don't have to marry in order to love eachother.

Two weeks have passed and I keep visiting her mansion. The butler keeps sending me away without an audience of Silvia.

Today I asked him again and he said that she isn't here. I wrote a letter and asked him to send it to her.

I wanted to tell her everything face to face so I didn't write about my situation.


Three months and three weeks have passed and there is no reply from Silvia. I decided to search for her.

I first visited the city of Fury. When I went to the entrance and asked for her they told me that she wasn't there.

I returned to the capital and requested an audience with the emperor. He must have known where she is. The emperor refused to answer any question that was about Silvia.

I desperately want to see her.


Silvia's part of vision.

Three months and three weeks have passed and my body has changed. I keep staying inside the mansion because I can't let Killion find my whereabouts. Sometimes I read books, while others I paint.

Other days I sleep a lot. Roy and Sienna take good care of me and Simon the physician has helped me a lot.

Yesterday I heard that Killion came to the city to find me...

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