Chapter Fourteen

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"I already have a family that I love"

"I see... So you married?"



"I don't need marriage to have a family."

"Will you ever forgive me?"

"I already have"


"I did forgive you but there is no second chance now if you excuse me..."

Killion stood there frozen. Maybe he thought that giving such an excuse would make me run to his arms.

I have already forgiven him for the sake of my lovely children. Since he is their father.

I went back to the ballroom and observed the young ladies dance with their escorts. Then memories from my first dance flashed in front of me.

Killion's gentle touch, his mesmerising eyes and seductive smirk. Astro had all of it. I could see that Astro would look just like Killion.

A hand appeared in front of me and disturbed my thoughts. A familiar pale manly arm that was now blistered.

"Will you dance with me?"

A low silky voice that was soft and calming. Without doubt that voice belonged to Killion. The sight of Killion after all these years awakened a part of me that was buried deep inside me.

Like a little girl who just fell in love, I was again seduced by this man. I raised my gaze and we locked eyes. His eyes were different. He looked tired and pale. His eyes were reddish. I thought

He is human too after all...

Now I can see that he loved me a lot. He even went crazy to look for me. I was very conflicted. I should be angry at him but I really want to dance with him. I want to place my arm above his and stay close to each other. Close enough to feel his breath and move to the song.

My heart won and I accepted his offer. Killion let out a smile that could not hide his tiredness. I realized that he was too tired to dance. I had to wait for the next banquet.

I grabbed his arm and forced him into the carriage. He looked surprised. His face looked like a little puppy. He seemed genuinely confused. I entered the carriage and sat on the other seat.

When he saw me enter he was more confused.

"Silvia what is going on?"

"Silence. Just sleep."


"Are you deaf? ... Argh! Come here!"

Killion sat beside me and I gave him a lap pillow. I placed my hand on his head and stroked his soft hair. I knew his hair would be just like Astro's.

The carriage reached to my estate. Killion was already asleep so I couldn't take him to his home.

I carried him to my bed and let him sleep. When I was about to leave he grabbed my wrist. His grip was weak but desperate.

"Don't leave... Silvia"

"Killion calm down."

Then he cried. He was having a nightmare. Tears streamed down his face and reached to his neck where they evaporated from the heat.

Seeing him cry so desperately, made me more worried about him than angry. What if what he said was true?

What if we had shared the same pain all those years?

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