//• Chapter 5: Bonds and arguments •//

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❝ Everyone has a bit of stubbornness in them.❞ - The beautifully cringe author.
✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧

Chica walked through the large halls of the pizzeria

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Chica walked through the large halls of the pizzeria. They were way bigger than the ones back at the older establishment and were more vibrant.

She was just staring at an old drawing when a squeaky, feminine voice grabbed her attention.

She glanced behind, finding a female animatronic, much slimmer than her, prancing around, looking for something.

"~Cupcake." Her voice chimed in the place, sounding more advanced and ... prettier than the former enthusiast.

"~Where have you gone to?" She called out, glancing around until her glossy blue hues landed onto the old chicken.

Both of them stared at each other with mixed expressions.

"Who...are you!?" The young female asked, the glint of disgust was evident in her eyes.

"I have the same question." The chicken replied, examining the other from top to bottom. "Are you MY replacement?"

The plastic one grunted in disgust. "Me, your replacement!? Never!" She exclaimed with pride. "I'm my own animatronic."

"You were designed after me ..." The chicken stated flatly. "... and everyone knows that."

The other scoffed. "Then they were probably right to replace a pile of rubber with a beauty of nature."

Chica twitched, lunging towards the female but Puppet's voice made her stop and glare at her.

"What!!?" She growled, noticing Foxy approach them, followed by another fox, who looked as if it had been shoved into a shredder.

"Why are you two fighting!?" Puppet inquired.

"We weren't fighting, we were talking, and then she attacked me." The younger one replied, faking tears into her eyes as she ran away.

"Chica ..." The Puppet glanced at the older animatronic. "Why?"

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