//• Chapter 21: Lost •//

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"...ica, Chica." The sounds slowly became clearer, along with her vision. She turned her head to the side to find Toy Foxy, now in her Mangled state, settled next to her with a worried expression on their face. Groaning as she slowly lifted herself to sit straight, she gave an eye to the mess of parts.

"You've been out for a really long while now." Mangle spoke, their single amber hue fixated onto the chicken. "I was beginning to think you were dead."

Chica slowly shook her head, bringing an arm to it as she responded to the vulpine with a "I'm alive, don't worry."

She then removed her arm to glance around the place. They were in some sort of experimental room? That's what the huge surgical lights indicated. There was a desk in the corner, on which various tools were scattered; surgical tools to be exact, as if someone had just recently performed an experiment there, but the two didn't know much about all of that, they hadn't seen anything like it before.

Noticing the confusion in the chicken's eyes, Mangle huffed, shifting from one leg to the other. They seemed anxious about something, but didn't bother talking about it. Chica wasn't paying much attention to them either. She was too busy scanning the whole room.

Soon, the chicken gathered enough strength to get to her feet, giving another thorough eye to the place. As she adjusted to the now chillier atmosphere, the mess of parts leaped up and jumped onto the chicken's shoulder, their weight causing the chicken to stumble for a second, after which she gave a rather annoyed glare to the vulpine, Mangle chuckling lightly.

"Don't worry, I'm not that heavy, you won't even know I'm around."

Rolling her eyes at the said words, Chica averted her gaze to a large wooden door, it was the only door around, so it should've been an exit. Keeping this in mind, she stepped towards it.

She opened the door, revealing a dim-lit hallway with multiple chambers. Exchanging glances, both the females cautiously stepped out of the room, hiss-like voices sounding from the chambers.

Mangle now raised a hand in the air and grabbed something on the ceiling, leaving Chica's shoulder and beginning to clamber forward with its help. She accidentally bumped into the glass window of one of the chambers, stepping back as a golden rabbit-like creature lunged at them, only to be stopped by the hard glass. The mass of parts shrieked in horror as the creature revealed its non-animatronic teeth while snarling, covered in flesh and blood. It banged on the window, hissing and growling as Chica pulled the half-female to a side.

"Stop it before one of us begins panicking." By that, she was gesturing to herself, but the vixen didn't know about that, so they took her gesture for themself and nodded slowly.

"I won't panic, don't worry."

Chica dipped her head forward slightly, as if nodding in return. She then looked back to the pathway and began to slowly trot in the direction, Mangle following and trying not to look at the growling, snarling, hissing creatures around them. It was like they all had been experimented on, and they feared it would be their turn next.


Lost in deep thought, Freddy was trying to think of a way to escape from their current situation, when he heard the whisper of one of his fellows, causing him to return to the real world.

As he looked up, he found the pirate's yellow eyes waiting for his response, before continuing. "Cap', I go' somethin'." The vulpine's voice was as low as a faint hiss, pretty much inaudible to Freddy. However, the bear understood what the fox meant when he revealed a small cupcake-like creature, an acidic substance was drooling from its mouth.

"I freed meself wi' this, so di' Bon." Foxy explained, carefully tossing it over to the bear. "Free yerself, then maybe we can ge' out."

At first, Freddy was a bit skeptical of the fox's words, but when the thing was tossed over to him, his skepticism soon subsided as he eyed the creature's condition. It was dead, so there wasn't anything left to be worried about now. With a little effort, he managed to grab it with his jaws and flung it behind, the acidic cupcake flew above his head and landed a few inches' length away from his hands. Slowly sliding towards it, he failed to pick it up due to his hands being tied behind his back.

"Perfect." He grunted, giving a half-lidded glare to the pirate, who shrugged sheepishly.

After a million attempts, he managed to pick the 'thing' up and held it in his hands for quite a while. Sometimes he'd hiss as the acidic substance burned parts of his suit, eventually beginning to wonder ... What were those things supposed to be?


Just as he finished freeing himself, the door to their 'cellar' swung open.


A human stepped inside, having an all-so-familiar grin on his face, a white collared shirt with black pants, dark-brown hair swept to a side, hazel eyes glinting the evil within his soul. They all knew who he was, they were very familiar with that face, the face ... of William Afton.

"Missed me?" He began, tilting his head.

Freddy growled, along with the vulpine, Bonnie having his ears pinned back as the man chuckled.

"Of course you did, I've missed you too." Just as he finished, Foxy immediately lunged at him, only for a large hand to bash into his head, the fox going unconscious right after.

The remaining two tensed up, going into attack mode, but just as they were about to attack the human, a certain black bear appeared in front of them, snapping his fingers and twisting their necks within a second.

The last thing the bear remembered seeing, was the man's unholy grin, followed by an inaudible murmur, after which everything disappeared from view.

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