//• Chapter 26: The price of holding one close (Part 1) •//

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✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧

✧─── ・ 。゚★: *

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✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧

"Hold on everyo-" 


Abruptly, she shot up from the scream, the said action making her head bump into the bars of the cage she had been kept in, her arms being locked up in a T-pose position, as usual. Taking a little time to recover from the soaring pain in her head, she glanced to her left, spotting Goldie and Marionette sitting in nearby ... but separate 'cages'. Both had unreadable expressions written over their faces. 

Just as she moved her jaws to speak, a familiar polite mumble sounded from her right, forcing her to turn and look in the direction, where lied the old bear himself, Freddy. Like the others, he was also in a separate cage, his ears being flattened and showing slight aggression, but his voice said otherwise.

"You're awake." 

She shook her head, placing an arm on one of the bars. "How did we get here?"

"Don't you remember?" Freddy snorted in a disgruntled manner. "We all were attacked, powered down, and thrown into these cages like real animals!" His tone raised at the last two words, making the female stiffen at the sudden harshness. 

She became completely silent afterward, just keeping her gaze on the ursine while his frustrated eyes were in the darkness, from where human footsteps were sounding in a distance. 

Soon, a human figure appeared in the shadows, causing the bear to growl in a low tone, his eyes narrowing. Once the figure came closer, the chicken understood what was the reason to his 'strange' reaction. 

"Thought you'd escape me this easily, Fazbear?" The same British voice bounced on the room's walls, making a loud echo resonate throughout. 

His eyes had a much crazed glint in them, which was menacing to an extent, and none of them seemed intimidated by his words. 

"You've really been troublesome for the establishment, so I have nothing left to do but finish you off." The human slowly stepped towards the brown bear's cage, the other three giving him narrow-eyed glares as he opened the metal gate and got inside. Another man was following him closely with a small notepad in his hands, his body language radiating the fear he felt as he entered the cage with his boss.

"Would the redesigned blueprints work on his large endoskeleton?" Afton questioned from the man; who looked like a young security guard by the uniform, and was literally shaking in fear.

"We can resize th-the endo, but that w-would dep-depend." The other stuttered as Freddy glared at him, William chuckling darkly. 

"That would be great." 

︶꒦꒷ 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝔼𝕟𝕕𝕤 𝕠𝕗 𝔸 𝕊𝕥𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕘 ꒷꒦︶Where stories live. Discover now