//• Chapter 7: Arguments and a newer ... threat? •//

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Well ... Here goes the next chapter-
Also, enjoy the new way of typing :>
I'll edit the other chapters like this as well-
✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧


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A month after the incident

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A month after the incident ...

Freddy sneaked out of the Parts &
Service before any of the others awoke,
knowing that only another argument
would take place if that happened.

He was studying a poster on one of the
walls when Marionette passed by,
holding onto a large box.

Flicking an ear, he looked to her,
head tilted. "What are you doing

"Nothing interesting." Came her reply
after which she yelped, falling to the
floor due to the box's weight. "PAin!"

Freddy, being the 'SmArt' guy he was,
went over to help and grabbed the box
himself, earning a "Thank you." from the
tall-black animatronic.

"No problem." He responded, following
after the Puppet, who led the way
towards Prize Corner.

Upon reaching there, Marionette took
the box from him, nodding slowly as
she motioned for him to leave.

Freddy too, nodded in return, turning
around to leave when a certain goofy
voice called out to him.

"HEy! Wait up!"

His head pivoted to the direction of the
voice, noticing his newer counterpart
run up to him. 'Til then, the Marionette
had gotten busy with arranging

A quick flash of annoyance filled the
older ursine's face as he watched the
plastic version of himself walk up to

"Needed to talk." The toy bear started, Freddy squinting slightly as he asked,
"About what?"

"About the recent events ..."

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