//• Chapter 23: Bring forth, the next plan •//

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It had been hours now since the two had last talked, now they were just standing and waiting for some sort of miracle to happen. Freddy was certain that the puppet would've escaped by now and was most probably searching for them. At least that's what his sixth sense was telling him. Other than that, he really had no hopes of escape, it all depended on the doll-masked female.

As his last hope slowly began to die down and his head lowered, a distinct mutter made his ears perk up. The sound had come from his right and was becoming clearer with every passing second. He glanced to the chicken, who was also looking in the direction, before turning his head to his right as well, eyes beginning to widen as two figures walked out of the darkness.

"See, I told you they'd be here!" The taller one spoke, one he easily recognized to be Marionette. Both of them stopped in front of them.

Freddy's assumptions had been ... proven right, there she stood, the tall-black animatronic, having the mask of a doll for her face, and along with her, stood Goldie, his older and more mature brother. For a moment, the brown bear was left dumbfounded, he had seen his brother in the disrepaired, almost dead state, how was he alive now? The question left him speechless, only for another possibility to rise up. It was another hallucination.

As the two brothers' gazes met, Freddy noticed the golden bear's disappointment, sighing and glancing down right after.

"So, this is where you've been?" The dirty-golden bear scoffed. "I knew I should've listened to the red crocodile about you being too naive to watch over three animatronics ..."

"Gold." Puppet cut him off before he could say more. "You don't have to scold everyone all the time."

"I'm not. I'm regretting the night I left the pizzeria to meet the Red Croc as I can't trust Freddy here with anything."

Freddy rolled his eyes, Marionette facepalming.

"At least free them before 'regretting everything'." The tall-black female muttered with a huff, in response to which Golden Freddy snapped his fingers, the chains tying the two animatronics breaking within a flash.

After rubbing his hands from where chains had been tied, Freddy turned to the chicken, flashing her a smile as he spoke, "Didn't I tell you ... We'll escape."

There wasn't that much of a satisfactory reply from Chica as Goldie abruptly interrupted when she began speaking.

"Alright, now that you're free, let's leave."

"Leave?" Freddy raised an eyebrow. "We're not leaving, we're going to look for the rest."

"Aaaand, no." Gold muttered. "Marionette and I, had a deal. I help her escape, and she helps me find you." His gaze went half-lidded now. "Now, I'm not risking your safety by trusting her to 'protect' you," He pointed to a random direction in the darkness. "So, it's best if we leave, now."

Freddy gave a glance to Marionette, it becoming briefer as he looked at the chicken next, before shaking his head and uttering a "No" to the golden bear, who by then was all set to teleport back to 'safety'. Goldie wasn't taking any 'no's', he simply snapped his fingers and motioned for him to come. "Stop wasting my time."

"Try." The brown ursine hadn't given in either as he crossed his arms, head twitching. "I'm not going anywhere."

"Then I'll take you, myself." With that, the golden bear snapped his fingers another time, only milliseconds away from disappearing from view when the chicken's voice made him stop.


He snapped his head in her direction. "What do you want!?"

Exchanging a glance with Marionette, who nodded as if telling her to go for it, she continued. "I don't think going back is the safest option."

"Who said we're going back?" The golden ursine inquired, snorting as he reappeared in front of her, facial expression unreadable. "We're gonna go to the Red Croc."

"That's not a safe place either." One thing was for sure, she had no clue what the 'Red Croc' was, because if she did, she wouldn't have made such a 'pathetic' statement. But, she knew one thing, Afton wasn't leaving them wherever they went.

Goldie bent forward slightly, towering over her. "I believe you don't know who the Red Croc is, so I'll forgive you for now, but mind your words next time." With that, he spun around and braced himself to leave again, only to be stopped ...

"Afton will find him wherever he goes, even if it's the safest place on earth."

At that, even Freddy tilted his head. "What?"

"It's true." She stated flatly, Gold turning around to look at her again. "There's a tracker on his suit. I didn't know what those things were, until I read the blueprints."

This wasn't told before, but the few words that were visible to Chica on the blueprints she found, explained the mechanism of small working chips called trackers. Who knew ... A man would be this clever to track his own creation with just one device. (This story is set in '87, ok-)

The golden bear didn't seem convinced. "Those things work on earth, that place isn't on earth in the first place."

"I'm afraid to say, but ... Afton seems to possess a brain smarter than you think, Gold. He can go anywhere, with just a little effort."


"Besides, we need a leader to help us decide what to do when we ... mess up." She spoke after a while. "You wouldn't wanna lose all of us now ... Would you?"

Before Goldie could reply, Marionette floated forward with her arms folded. "I'd have to agree."

At that, he glanced at Freddy, who was watching him with half-lidded eyes, smirking slightly. "Three against one, Gold."


The golden bear huffed, bringing a hand to his head, after a moment of thinking, he looked back at the three. "This will end badly, but fine."

Who knew, he really had a heart of 'GOLD'.

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