//• Chapter 10: Surprise kill •//

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✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧


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Once Marionette left the backstageroom, Chica heaved a deep sigh andglanced around, there were manythoughts in her mind, many questionsshe wanted to ask from that strangecreature, but she left too quickly

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Once Marionette left the backstage
room, Chica heaved a deep sigh and
glanced around, there were many
thoughts in her mind, many questions
she wanted to ask from that strange
creature, but she left too quickly.

She decided to go after the puppet,
immediately acting upon her thought as
she stepped forward, but as she neared
the door, something stopped her,
making her glance to her shoulder,
stiffening as she realized what it was.

It was a claw-like hand, as dirty and
yellow as her own suit. Its long, sharp
nail-like structures were just moments
away from digging into her shoulder, the
only thing keeping them from doing so,
was the one who possessed

"ㄥ乇卂ᐯ丨几Ꮆ?" A voice asked, failing
at sounding like it had the slightest

She quickly turned her head to the door,
remaining as still and as quiet as

The voice let out a hoarse chuckle.
"ㄚ'Ҝ几ㄖ山, ㄒ卄丨丂 山ㄖ几'ㄒ卩ㄩ丂卄
爪乇 卂山卂ㄚ!"

Yet, she stayed still, and it wasn't until it
turned her towards itself that her eyes
met with two, red and blue ones,
causing her to step back, but get yanked
forward by the

"卂山山 ... ᗪㄖ几'ㄒ 尺ㄩ几 卂山卂ㄚ,
丂丨丂ㄒ乇尺丂 卂尺乇 乃ㄩ丨ㄥㄒ ㄒㄖ
丂ㄒ丨匚Ҝ ㄒㄖᎶ乇ㄒ卄乇尺!" It
chuckled, bringing its three-rowed sharp
teeth to her face.

"卂几ᗪ ㄚㄖㄩ'ㄥㄥ 乃乇 爪ㄚ 乃乇丂ㄒ
千尺丨乇几ᗪ!" With that, its head jolted
forward, making her yelp and look

But nothing happened ...

It went silent.

Reluctantly, she looked at it again,
finding it frozen in one place, its two
eyes were replaced with black voids, as
if they had been gouged out. She moved
away from its grasp, staring at it with
wide-struck eyes.

Without thinking, she turned to the door,
slamming through it and rushing to the
Parts & Service, abruptly opening the
door there.

Only Bonnie was around at the time,
humming some old tune as he gazed at
the ceiling. He didn't bother looking
down as the chicken entered.

Sighing, she settled into her spot and
stared blankly at the floor, thoughts of
the earlier event made her question

Just then, the door slammed open and
the remaining two members of their
small group stormed inside, making her
head jolt upwards, her loose jaw was
almost about to drop as she read the
expressions on their faces.

"Time to destroy some trash." Freddy
muttered, eyes half-lidded and
completely blank.

Foxy, in return, nodded, his face being
just as blank as the bear. "Aye ... We be
'avin' a chicken on lose."


Their eyes, which were fixated on the
rabbit till then, all pivoted down to her.
Bonnie too, turned his head towards

She stiffened slightly, stuttering out a,
"W-wh-what ..." Before her voice-box
silenced out, as if someone had pulled
out all its wires.

The bear, slowly trudged towards her,
kneeling as he gave her that same blank
stare. He then moved his right arm from
behind his back, revealing an ax.

"Gonna have to get rid of you." He
murmured darkly. "Who knows ... You
might betray us in the future."

"So it be better ta get ye off-board before
tha' 'appens." The fox added, bending
forward with his hands on his knees.

Freddy nodded slowly, raising the ax
above her head. "It was nice meeting a
hater." Though before he could slash it
down, she abruptly pushed him
backward and rushed to the door.
However, something from behind,
probably Foxy's hook, forced her to trip
and crash to the ground, that's when
she felt the ax's blade on her back.

"You hate me, right?" Freddy's question
sounded half-mad as he laughed
maniacally right afterward, soon being
joined by the cackles of the other two.

"Let this be th' dinner o' t'night, cap'n!"

"We'll be having 'Chicken tonight'."
Bonnie chuckled as the ax finally moved
from her back, but she knew, it was all

She soon felt the sharp blade again, only
this time, it had plunged into her head,
blackening her vision out.

She soon felt the sharp blade again, onlythis time, it had plunged into her head,blackening her vision out

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✧─── ・ 。゚★: *

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✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧

This was a lil' short, but ... Motivation doesn't grow on trees people.

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