chapter 14 - the watch

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Kyle pov-

I make my way to the house next door , everything is already packed and set up so all I need to do is set the cameras and make friends "one small step for me ,one giant leap for mekind " I quote Neil Armstrong as I make my way to the hidden room I grab the cameras and put each one around the house one at the door ,each window and at the back not one blind spot to make me being here seem normal I bring my wife and child they don't know about the mission I can't risk their safety "Julie ,is shay's room done " I yell out finishing the last camera "almost ,and done" shay is 2 years old about two months older that violet "ok I think we should go meet the ones nextdoor soon then " as me and my wife head towards christains house I start to plan how I will befriend him I know he is a hunter so he will know I am too then it hits me 'go on a hunt with him ' save his life ,earn his trust friends ,I can be in violets life ,get the pictures for caity .

*knock,knock *

"Hey ,I'm kyle ,this is my wife June and my daughter ivy ,we just moved in next door " I say I reach my hand out for him to shake it he declines my heart starts to race shit he knows "haha hello I'm Chris welcome" he bursts out screaming holding the door frame for support all of a sudden a little girl runs out of the room behind her and stares at my baby "who is she daddy " I feel the sudden urge to punch "Chris" in the face that's violet " this is my daughter violet " he actually named her what caity wanted that monster I hate hunters like him "she is so cute she must have her mothers eyes" as I say this I look deep into her light blue eyes ,just like Jakes and my heart brakes my wife feels the pain 'its her isn't it' yes I whisper sofly thou the link she sighs and smiles 'well we better get to know her ' we walk into the room and ivy and violet run around playing i just know they are going to be best friends "so where did you come from " he ask me when my wife leaves "actually i moved here as i heard there are a couple problems in the area ,wolfs and vamps ,but the only other hunter here is you " I say to him in a not so serious tone ,but he smiles and laughs "be at my house by 1:00 and I'll show you the hunt of a life time " he walks off and I mind link my wife asking her to leave with me and ivy ,we leave and tell Chris if he ever needs anything to ask .


One o'clock ~

I wait outside the woods looking for chris with my gear "damm dick tricked me " i yell as i kicked a tree " now hold up why would I do that " he appears near a tree with a large smile on his face "ok so we are going a bit out of town for this hunt two part zone 23 which is two zones away from us so a 45 minute drive, but trust me it is worth it we Have two were wolfs and a vamp one is A alpha I belive the vamp and wolf are mates so that should make it more interesting I'll explain more on the way " he says .

On the way there he tells me how we will get in how we will kill and when we do it basically in out that's the plan and if I fail he said I die , but you he told me to break apart the mates and do you know how hard that is like I will die if I come between them but christian doesn't know what I know this whole job is a set up to gain his trust I know these three and I know a witch who put a protection spell so if it looks like they are dead they are not, as we arrive to the drop off he drills me again so I run up and beat down the door saying hello to my friend Leo the vamp he smiles as I shoot him with a wooden bullet he drops and doesn't move but when I go down to check his pulse it is beating " dead" I say to Chris he takes the bottom of the house I take the top, the stairs are old and they would have heard the gun sound.

I have cleared the second last room , they are in the next room the master I kick in the door .

empty .

I freak ,could they have been downstairs I race down and hear the shots "bang,bang" and two thuds Stacy and Rick both theirs eyes are rolled back I check again for a pulse beating normal as ever phew I say to my self I call a team to clean up me and Chris head home " so that was fun , how did you break them apart " I ask Chris "I didn't " he replys , as silence drowns the car we head home "I think we should do that again" he says out of the blue "sure" I smile


Hey guys omg I have over 700 views on this story I am crying here I can't believe you guys love my writing so much thank you all please tell me anything you think would make me better :))) love u all

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