chapter one~the one

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(Picture of Jake in above photo)
~caity's pov~

I don't want to do this but I know I have to, I just wish he could do it for me it would make me feel better, but there is too much going on here right now.

sadly i don't trust him any more I growl in frustration banging my head on my bed which now has a few dents in it

how am I going to tell him. . .

He has been here in my life for only a few months but I feel like we have been together forever making, no doing this so much harder ,I look at the clock and see what time It is.

Only 12 o'clock

Thinking about the day ahead I close my eyes and fall into a deep sleep.

The dream

My world is full of darkness I can barely see but I can make out a faint voice talking to me "follow my voice, do as I say" it whispers to me I find myself talking to this voice I can not see.

"I don't want to" I say all of a sudden the voice goes into a fit of rage screaming out it grabs me and drags me away I fight, kick and scream but I can't escape something I can not see.

"let me go" I yell to the beast, it stops moving and when I open my eyes I can see clearly and I see him standing there with his hands tied behind his back "Christian" I mouth as the monster holds a knife to his neck "if you don't leave him he will die" it screams out making my ears bleed "I love him"I say tears running down my face the beast smiles "no you don't".

Christian stares at me and I see he was willing to lie. I see in his eyes that he wants me to leave.

He never did love me...

I sigh in relief the monster is about to make the cut to end his life. I run out to try and save him and as I reach my hand out Everything goes black and I am left in this place alone then the light turns back on "you don't know do you" the monster says right up in my face. I am taken aback for a second but Chris isn't there anymore "know what?" I say questionably "you're not dreaming" I wake up in a pool of sweat breathing heavy and fast "I have to leave him!"


I walk into school worried and nervous I see Christian.

it's ok this will be easy, he won't be upset

I walk over to him "hey baby "he says I can't look him in the eyes because i know he is lieing and I have to pretend oh how much i want to kill him the way i know i can, so i do this the only way i can without Jim knowing me ,i put on a show.

this too hard he sees the tears in my eyes "what's wrong caity " he asks "i-i need to break up with you " I whimper out he stares at me longingly his eyes are glazed "can we talk some where more private " I asks trying to hide my laughter, i nods.

we walk over to our spot at the tree where we first met,he looks at me "why" he says with tears in his eyes "I'm moving away for reasons I can't tell you I'm trying to protect you chris"I sob "when everything is over I can tell you more " he just stares "don't you trust me"he says "don't you love me " he sobs "don't you care at all " I stop there "I have never trusted you I have never loved you and I have never cared" -"I am trying to protect you chris" I say.

He is leaning over with a smile on his face I want to slap him so bad. "this is the last time you will see me i am leaving today" I walk away knowing what I just said was a lie I have been meaning to break up with him for a week now but I didn't want to give up "well finally you grew some balls" the random voice in my head speaks "what the FUCK " I scream thank god I am a block away from Chris.

How did you get in here. . .
We were born together. . .

it speaks to me, can I do that gosh what else can I do


"Run" my mother screams at me, there are wolf's and vampires every where my mum and dad stay there and fight them as uncle John transforms into a wolf and takes me away I scream back calling for mother "MUMMY ,NOOOOO" I cry holding on to John's fur sobbing uncontrollably when we get far enough away he stop changes back and tells me everything "you are a cross-spark one no one has ever seem before you have the powers of a witch, the power of a wolf and the brainpower of a genius, but that is exactly why you are in danger they want you to turn you evil but we will not let that happen, will we " he says I take in what he just said to me he just told me I am a cross-spark "but I'm only ten"

~Real time~

I am still confused about the voice in my head so I ask for its name "my name is your choseing and I know you want to call me rose " Ok rose it is I think.


Hey this is my first time writing and I think I packed this first chapter with a punch so caity is a cross-spark (a term I just made up) it is where a werewolf (her dad) and a anoughter cross pieces in caity's example a witch and human (her mother) have a child (caity) I'll update soon hope you likes it please vote and comment to give me feedback thanks

By sharna Donald (also really sorry this is real short the next chapter is way longer like and moment please )

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