chapter 3~ the smile

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~Caity's pov~

We played for hours like this chasing each other and talking I told him about when I first shifted and how my mother died and how all I knew was nothing more I told him how it was my mission to find out who I was And he listened this is the best night ever.

"hey do you want to see something" I say I say he nods I smile I hold my hand out and I concentrate on my hand and slowly a image begins to show, the memory I show is when I first saw him.

I laugh he seems impressed "how did you do that" he calls next to me  "I'm part witch, I've always been able to do it if I try to do it as a wolf the image comes out my eyes"  he laughs "It's nice to be able to look back on my life every now and again.

~Jake's pov~

I laugh at the thought I can't stop looking at her she is just so beautiful and I just love her smile it's the most prettiest thing I have ever saw he talks about her life the good part made me laugh with her and the bad one made me cry and hug her ,she has been through hell and back "its ok "I say at one point "I'm here now we will answer these questions together and if even if we don't it's not your past that makes you who you are it's the person you made now that matters I love you for who you are now " my wolf pats me on the back she is crying in a happy way "I love you too "she says she kisses me long and powerful full of passion she loves us my wolf howls and we love her.

We fall asleep on her lounge holding each other never pulled apart when I wake up she is still asleep I watched her for hours playing with her hair twirling it I'm my fingers "I love you" I whisper softly in her ears more than once she will never know how much I love her


A girl walks pass me a see her and know straight away "mine"  I say I want to chase after her and something makes me stop she's not ready my wolf says "b-but I love her " I watch over her for the next few years but as my alpha jobs got longer and longer I stoped and forgot- 5 years later- she walks through the door "mine"
~Flashback over~

She starts to stir slowly waking up she yawns and wakes up when she opens her eyes and says "I love you "too snuggling close to me "we need to get up "she said "can't we stay for a little bit more "I hold her tight .she yawns and stretches her legs cracking her knees "we have school don't  we "her eyes pop open "shit school are we late " she searches for her phone finally getting a hold of it it's 8:00 "phew"  she says we have half a hour till we need to leave .I moan and fall off the lounge "ok,well I should go "I said awkwardly I grab my shirt and put it on my hair is all messed up and I'm still in the sleep state in walk slowly out the door and up my house dammit I am in love I think over with my wolf .

~Caity's pov~

He looks so good rose whispers to me "ok I'll see you at school,alpha " he smiles "same to you Luna " he runs out the door before I could say a thing. I sort out my outfit for the day and have a shower "what's a luna"

~Ten minutes later~

I arrive at school early and head to my locker all I can think about is Jake and the Luna thing I stare into my locker day dreaming. When Jake and a girl tap ny shoulder she looks a little like him "hey cait "he says "this is my sister she is the temporary Luna, I asked to tell you what a luna is,  her name is Amy" (there you go Amy are you happy now) there was also this man with him "this is my beta Xavier " "hello"he says amy is sure to follow  "hello" she says Jake tells Xavier to leave ,something about him scares me I don't trust him what so ever.  "hi, so what is a Luna " I say "well I asked the principal for the first class off so I could explain .

"well let's  go sit down " the three if us walk down to a table and they start telling me "you, caity are the future Luna because Jake is the future alpha ,you and Jake are to halfs of a circle you are both equal in some way you will care for the pack together and forever " I look shocked. I mind link with Jake "does she know I'm the cross spark "-"yes she knows the whole pack knows, but that doesn't matter because I love you not them " I breath out "ok I think I get it"

"So we are mates you are the alpha of the pack and I will be the Luna because I am your mate " I say "yes that is it, are you ok with it " Jake asks me "ok course I am, I'm actually happy I know a bit more "I sigh feeling tired "I think Might ho home, today has been full of information " I walk down the street and turn a corner there is too paths one into the woods and the other into my street.

Rose wants to for a run I'm feeling bored so I go with her I run into the woods when I find a big tree I take my clothes off and pack them into my bag and hide them under some leaves I shift into my wolf (wolf in picture) it feels good to let her out by my self rose is filled with happiness and is jumping for joy I keep her in touch thou. I walk around for hours just getting used to the area but I had a feeling that someone was watching me I fealt scared all of a sudden I heard a growl and it did not sound like Jake I bolted as fast as I could mind linking with Jake straight away I could feel it at my tail I didn't look back "HELP" I scream calling Jake I hear his clothes rip off through the mind link. The thing snaps at my tail grabbing a hold of it I yelp in pain.

~Jake's pov~

"HELP" she screams thorough our mind link I shift instantly running into the woods following her smell hopeing I'm not to late I hear her screams I'm so close but  when she screams out i lose it my wolf takes over.


I wake up next to cait she is unconscious I shake her We are laying  in the middle of the woods with blood everywhere there is a bite Mark on her leg "oh God "I cry out I howl in pain calling my pack I fish out a shirt and put in on her also getting my self some shorts in seconds my pack arrives I pick her up she is heating up but still alive "help her "I yelled in my alpha tone Lucky that the lack doctor is there "we to get her back now " he says-______________________________________________________________________________
~Caity's pov~

I wake up in a white bed .


Sorry to leave you on a plot twist plus cliff hanger but I had to in next chapter you will find out what Jake did and do you like how I make Jake and caity look Jake's wolf is in next chapter tell me if you liked bye

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