chapter 19

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Third pov-

One year later -

As we know ivy is safe and sound both girls are now 15 years old one in love, one I'm school.

Ivy didn't know she was in love until the day it hit her in the face she was literally walking around wondering if anyone missed her.

when she saw him talking to a little girl about half ivy's age "shh it's okay" the was crying because she fell over and hurt her knee and due to not being a phraser yet she was healing real good "just count to ten while I put a bandaid on" ivy just couldn't help her self just watching him take care if a child he probably doesn't even know.

that's when she saw it the old little house herself sitting back painting a canvas and him doing this to her own child and well ivy smiled because that thought make her happy and even since that day ivy has felt herself get closer and closer to this man who she found out his name is Jackson ,his name rolled off her tongue so deliciously and she couldn't help it.

As for violet she walk into school and out like a zombie,yet every boy saw her intense beauty she never gave anyone a second look she just didn't 'feel' it, you know that feeling you get when you first meet someone you just click violet had that feeling with one person, that was ivy.

And what violet didn't know was she was going to have that feeling with someone else on the week she first shifts.

Its so unreal though that feeling, it's went you first meet the person you've been talking too for over a month and you aren't prepared to see them but you do and the moment to see their eyes It's like your heart aches and bends like you want to be sick but in a happy way .

Then you start talking and it's starts out great but then you talk to much And he says I don't understand some of the words your saying.

And then that first kiss. . .

Now that is "the" feeling I'm talking about how he asks nicely.

I'm telling you this now if a dude don't ask to kiss you don't if he just goes in for the kill ,just don't.

It is so much better because you see his eyes and they sparkle in the light and you know as soon as he says "kiss me" you heart already knows this ride is gonna hurt but you climb aboard anyway because you have that feeling in the pit of your stomach that it will be worth it.

then you kiss again and again and you just can't explain that 'feeling' of hope and happiness as if the world is finally yours. . .

but went you spend over a month away from each other and you feel so sad and at night all you want is to kiss those eyes sparkle one last time just before you go to sleep.

and when you wake up in the morning your eyes flutter open and you smile because you swear all you dreamed about was being with him just doing stuff that make you laugh and him smile. . .

violet only knew that feeling with ivy and she never knew she can have that feeling with a man and at 15 she wanted someone to love her but she was so scared of it all she didn't want she heart broken so she focused on this feeling and made sure if she didn't feel that longing of closeness it wasn't worth it. . .

kinda like caity when she was her age.

caity when she was out running her aunt hated love and all its tributes to life she never actually met someone she had that feeling with but she had that feeling with Jake.

caity remembers so clearly when she truly knew it was when she was telling him about what she knows about what she is sadly she doesn't practice magic anymore she just doesn't have the time for it ,with the lost of violet continuously watching her.

but it came to a shock for caity when she found out she had to learn again for Kyle, when he came back about two years ago he looked And smelled highly intoxicated but the pack doctor tested his blood level and he had nothing in his blood they instantly knew it was Christians doing.

caity then had to hit the witch books the pack only had a few but caity easily read them she practiced for a week before she was finally able to unhex Kyle but to make sure Christian couldn't do it again they didn't send him back, they told him about his daughter being mated to the third in command and Kyle was happy about it.

he knew about mates "it's a funny thing" he said "I knew my baby girl would one day find the one I didn't know she would find him so soon" .

he shook hands with Jackson and that was that,meanwhile his wife had to plant the story of ivy missing and she stayed for a year before "giving up".

no one would see from they again...


okay just warning you guys ghee is gonna be two more chapters after this and that's it

the end

but not right now

so please read this up guys I hope to finish on 2000 but I strongly doubt I'll even get to 1500 bit you know I can hope lol okay so see ya next time

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