Chapter 13 - Confrontation

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As soon as Jjangmae stepped out of 2ne1's apartment, Jiyong closed the door and proceed to make his way to the living room. He took his time and walked slowly as he tried to organized his thoughts first before facing Dara. He knows that letting himself be carried away with his emotions will do him no good. It happened a lot in the past. He always let his anger take over him that he ended up saying things he didn't mean and Dara ends up getting hurt by his actions.

Memories of their fights suddenly came flashing back in his mind. He suddenly remembered Dara's face as she cry her eyes out whenever they argue. That memory made Jiyong stopped on his track. He was suddenly unsure if he should continue his plan on confronting Dara. He might end up hurting her again instead of making amends with her. But a part of him also wanted to know the reason behind Dara's sudden change of attitude. Did he do something wrong? Just when he thought that he's finally making progress on getting Dara back, on getting on her good side again. Did he mess up?

"What are you doing here?" Jiyong's head snapped to the direction of Dara's voice. He was lost in his own thoughts that he didn't notice that he was already standing in the middle of the living room.

His gaze landed on Dara who was standing by the door of her bedroom. Judging by the look on her face, Jiyong knew that something must have happened why Dara's acting the way she is now. The look she's giving him right now is the same look she has whenever he messed up in the past.

"Dara, is there something wrong? Are you mad at me? Did I do anything to make you upset?" Jiyong asked, worry laced in his voice.

"Wow, you really have the nerve to ask me." Dara scoffed.
"You know what's wrong Jiyong? You're mere presence here in my apartment is already wrong. You talking as if nothing ever happened between us is WRONG! And you asking me that question as if you've never hurt me and never left me to fend for myself is DEFINITELY WRONG!" Dara shouted at Jiyong, spouting the words as she walked towards him.

"Dara, i'm sorry—"

"Sorry? Huh. What for? I don't need your apology anymore." Dara cut off Jiyong as she tried to stop her tears that are already forming at the corner of her eyes. She took a step back and was about to turn away but Jiyong quickly grabbed her arm.

"Dara please, talk to me. Let me explain." Jiyong pleaded as he turned Dara's body towards him looking at her straight in the eyes.

"Explain? Why now Jiyong? You should've done it a year ago when I asked you to. But what did you do? Ahhh, right. You left me. You left me to follow that girl." Dara spat out.

"Dara please, baby please. It's now what you think—" Jiyong pleaded grabbing both Dara's arms.

"Stop! Enough! I don't want to hear your lies anymore! What? Are you going to tell me again that you're just friends? That i'm just being paranoid?? That you're just hanging out with her because you had to?" Dara cried out as she pull herself away from Jiyong.

"But that's the truth!" 

"Truth? You know what's the truth Jiyong? It's you making out with that girl in your hotel room! It's you leaving me behind because you chose her instead of me!"

"No Dara, it's not true! Fuck baby, I love you! I choose you that's why I'm here. That's why i'm doing everything I can to have you back. I know I messed up, I know i'm wrong for leaving you behind but baby trust me, you're the only one I love. I –"

"You don't love me Jiyong. Because if you do, you wouldn't hurt me. You wouldn't leave me. You wouldn't have let me go..." Dara uttered shaking her head. Her voice cracked as tears run down her face.

"But you did." Dara continued taking a step away from Jiyong. She turned around to wipe her tears from her eyes and took a deep breath before facing Jiyong again.

"And the real reason why you're back here is not because you love me nor you chose me. It's because you just find me convenient. Because you knew that a small gesture from you, a few words from you will have me running back in your arms. You knew that I love you so much that no matter how many times you hurt me, I'll always forgive you and will always welcome you back. Isn't it?"

"Dara, I—" Jiyong tried to reach out to Dara again but Dara pulled her arm away from him.

"I know the truth Jiyong. I knew she dumped you that's why you're here. That's why you're coming back to me."

"What? Who told you that? Dara it's not true!"

"If it's not true then tell me Jiyong! Did you or did you not date her?" Dara asked Jiyong with a stern look on her face.

"Dara. Please, let me explain." Jiyong took a step towards her, reaching out to her but Dara stopped him with her words.

"Just answer my question." Dara stated but was only met with Jiyong's silence.

Tears run down her face as she felt a painful squeeze in her heart. She tried to meet Jiyong's gaze, trying to seek for the answer to her question even though she already knew the answer.

Jiyong avoided Dara's gaze as he swallowed the lump forming in his throat. He tried to find words to say but as if he was tongue tied, he couldn't even utter a single word.

Jiyong's silence broke her heart, again.  It's like a deja vu. It's like the same scene is being played again. That time when he's begging Jiyong for answers, when she's begging him to hold on to her.

"Please go. Just...leave me alone." Dara said quietly, her voice breaking. She wiped her tears as she slowly turned her back on Jiyong and started to walk towards her bedroom.

"Dara." Jiyong called out, his voice breaking.

"I'm tired Jiyong. I'm tired playing your game. If you really love me like what you said, then please do me a favor. Get out of my life." Dara answered, her back facing Jiyong. She then went inside her bedroom leaving Jiyong standing alone in the living room.

"I'm sorry.." Jiyong whispered while looking at Dara's closed bedroom door. He bit lips as he tried to suppressed the sob coming out from his mouth.

"But I can't let you go Dara..I won't ever let you go again."

Author's Note:
Annyeong guys!! Jeongmal Mianhae!!
I know I owe you a lot for making you wait for so long. I'm really sorry for not keeping my promise of finishing this story last year :'(
As I have mentioned before, I lost my notes and couldn't remember the original plot, the time-line and flow of the story. All I know is that when I started writing this story, I had it finished in my head but then after years of not writing I kinda lost it.
But don't worry, I won't abandon this story and will make sure to finish it. I just don't know when. 
Anyways, thank you all so much for patiently waiting for my updates. I love you all guys!
See you in the next chapter! 
Pyong! ~

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