Chapter 5 - Phone Call

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Author's Note:

Annyeong yeoreobeun!

Miyanhae for the late update.

I'm caught up again with lots of paperworks at home.

Anyways, here's a kinda light chapter for you all guys.

I made this per some of you who request for Jiyong and Dara to have a little interaction.

So here it is. Enjoy reading!!

P.S Ignore typos and weird errors. Haven't had the time to edit this.


Jiyong's POV

It's already past 1 in the morning and I'm left here in the studio as I listen to our new recorded songs. Seungri left half an hour ago to follow the other members as they look for a restaurant where they can have their dinner.

It's been 12 hours since I last ate a decent meal and surprisingly I don't feel any hunger at all. Maybe because I was too stressed and tired that my body itself doesn't have any interest in food at all. Well, I don't usually eat a lot when I'm stressed out. All my body craves for was sleep and maybe a little bit of her presence.

Ugh, on times like this is when I needed Dara's presence the most. She's my vitamin, my stress reliever. She's the one who'll keep my health check every time I'm overworking myself. She would usually drop by in the studio to bring me food, changing clothes and she'll wait silently by my side while I finish working so we could go home together.

Good old days.

God, I miss her so much.

Calling Dara right now is so tempting that I wasn't able to stop myself from fishing my phone in my back pocket. As I look at the screen of my phone, I immediately swipe the screen open and dial the number I know by heart.

I must be crazy to even call her. I know for sure that she won't answer my call but here I am still waiting for her to pick up.

As the line continuously ringing, my hopes for hearing her voice slowly ebbing away.

What am I thinking? Do I really expect her to answer my call? Damn Jiyong, don't get your hopes up. You hurt her remember? Why would she want to talk to you?


My body froze as I heard Dara's voice on the other line. Is it really her? Did she really answer my call?


It's Dara, it's really her. That soft child-like voice only belongs to her.

But why? Why would she answer my call? Does she really know I was the one calling? Or maybe she'd deleted my number and didn't recognize it that's why she answered the call. Yeah, right, that must be it. This is not the first time that my number was deleted by her phone. I can enumerate the hundred times that she deleted my number when I pissed her off. Even the numbers of the 2ne1 members were not exempted by Dara's "pissed-off-delete" behavior.

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