Chapter 2 - Choices

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Author's Note:

Annyeong Yeoreobeun!!

Here's a kinda long chapter for you guys!!

Ignore typos and errors please!!

And also I just wanted to share you guys this video :) It suits the title of my story. kekkek!

Enjoy reading!!!

Pyong!! ~~

Jiyong's POV

Time sure passed by quickly when you're busy. I didn't even notice that 2 weeks have passed since I came back here in Seoul. It's also been 2 weeks since I last saw Dara. We never met again since that incident in the lobby. I'm not sure if she's avoiding me or she's just too busy herself that she didn't have time to drop by here in YG building. Even if I'm busy working on our album and stayed most of the time in the recording studio, I would sometimes go out and walk around the building hoping to catch a glimpse of her. But for the past 2 weeks that I've been going around the building, not even a strand of her hair can be found.

And so, for the past weeks, since I wasn't able to meet her again, I just settled on scanning her social media accounts everyday so I'll be updated on her daily schedule. Guess I'm back again on stalking her just like what I used to do when I was still in Japan. An update from her is like oxygen to me. It gives me air to breathe; it gives life to my dying soul. It was sort of a guilty pleasure to me. I shouldn't be doing it, I don't have the right to, yet I did and still do.

Others may find it weird, but what can I do? I'm just a normal person like anybody else who's having a hard time going through a break up. I'm sure I'm not the only one in the world who's stalking their ex' social media accounts. Youngbae did that as well before when he and Hyorin broke up a year ago. I guess it's just a weird habit that broken hearted people do when they still can't let go of the one they love. A hard habit to break that is...

Being a leader of an idol group is not the easy. As a leader aside from carrying a huge responsibility, you also need to be strong physically, mentally and emotionally. Meaning, you can't let other people nor do your members see your weakness. You should always be someone they can depend on. No matter how much you're struggling inside you should always keep a tough image and a positive outlook on everything. Cause the moment you break down, so will they.

That's the reason why I'm here now, in front of my members discussing our upcoming activities and setting aside all my problems, my inner struggles, and keeping my emotion bottled up somewhere in the corner of my heart.

Author's POV

The Bigbang members were all gathered up inside the recording studio with the 4 members sitting on the couch in front of Jiyong who's seated on a swivel chair with his front body leaning at the backrest of the chair and his arms on top of it while holding a paper in his left hand a pen in his right hand.

"I called you out guys today to discuss our upcoming activities and schedule for this month and the succeeding months as well. You all know that we'll be releasing our comeback album on the first week of May which is 3 months from now." Jiyong explained to his members while looking at the paper he's holding.

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