Chapter 6 - Dilemma

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Jaljayong? Did I just said Jaljayong??!!!!!!!

Oh my god!!! I didn't just said that!!!!!!!

I didn't just said goodnight to my ex boyfriend using my endearment to him!!

What have you done Dara!!! Gaaahhh!!!! I screamed inwardly as I threw my phone on my bed and began pulling my hair in frustration.

"Yah! Pabo yah! You already answered the call of your ex-boyfriend and you dare say that to him?!! How could you!!"I told myself as I pace in the middle of my room.

I threw myself on my bed and began kicking in the air to vent out my anger.

It's too embarrassing!!! Why did I do that? I ignored him last month and then answered his call a month after. What's with me??!!

I abruptly pushed myself up in a sitting position as realization hit me.

"Wae? What's wrong with answering Jiyong's call? What's wrong with talking to him? It's not like there's a law that forbids you to answer your ex-boyfriend's call? There isn't right?"

"And besides, I'm just doing what Bom wants me to do. I'm just being civil with Jiyong. Yup, that's right. You're just being civil with Jiyong, Dara-yah. You're not doing anything wrong." I nodded my head in agreement to my statement as I convince myself.

"And oh, I'm just being a supportive noona to her dongsaeng, a supportive hoobae to her sunbae and a supportive member of YG family. That's right!"

"I'm a VIP after all. I'm their first fan. It's just natural for a fan to support her idol."

I kept on mumbling reasons to prove my actions and to convince myself that what I've done is something a normal person, nope scratch that, a normal EX-(let's emphasize that word) girlfriend would do.

I picked up my phone and look at my call log where Jiyong's name was on top of the list.

"3 hours. We had a conversation for 3 hours?" my eyebrows rose up in amazement as I look closely to my phone.

"Ani-ani! It's more like we've talked for an hour and I left him in the middle of our conversation and slept for 2 hours. Nope, scratch that too. I didn't left him; rather he stayed on the line to listen to my breathing?"

"Tsch, why would he do that? Seriously this guy, what's with him? What's with the sudden call? What's this all about??"

Questions began flooding in my mind as I rack my head for reasons why Jiyong suddenly called me. It's been a year since we broke up and ever since then we never talked again. So his sudden phone call was really a mystery to me right now.

Was it because he's tired? If he is why would he call me? I mean we're no longer together. He did used to call me before every time he's stressed out at work. Well, he used to say that I'm his stress reliever. But I don't think I still own that position in his life right now. Someone else must have owned that spot now.

The last sentence sends a painful tug in my heart. It still hurts to know that someone else has taken over my place in Jiyong's heart and it still hard to accept that the reason why our 5 year relationship ended was because he left me for another girl.

I grasped my front shirt as I felt a painful squeeze in my heart. "You really are crazy Dara. How were you able to have a friendly conversation with him earlier and ended up hurting after?"

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