Chapter 14 - Distraction

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Author's POV

"Hyung." Seungri called out softly as he watched his Jiyong hyung who's staring blankly into nothingness.

They've been in the rooftop of YG building for an hour now ever since he dragged Jiyong out of their recording studio. A fight almost broke out during their recording session because his hyung has been on his "perfectionist" mode again. Oh nope, scratch that. He's not on his normal perfectionist mode but over the top perfectionist mode to the point that even a single mistake in the way they breathe while singing would make Jiyong mad.

Even his best friend Youngbae who's usually the most patient and understanding one was ticked off with Jiyong's behavior. Seungri knew if he let his hyung stay another second in their recording studio, their group would be close to disbanding. So he took all the courage he could muster and dragged his hyung out of the studio.

He thought Jiyong would be mad with what he did. He was expecting for him to scold him but he was surprised when his hyung just let him take him up to the rooftop.

"Hyung." Seungri called out again. He's been trying to get his hyung's attention for the nth time yet Jiyong was still lost in his own thoughts.

Seungri felt his heart constricted in pain as he watched Jiyong. He knew what's going on. He knew the only one reason why Jiyong's been acting that way. There's only one reason or rather person that can make Jiyong behave that way.

His Dara noona.

"Seungri-ya." Jiyong called out softly.

Seungri flinched as he was startled when Jiyong suddenly called out his name. "Ne, hyung?" he responded immediately.

"You have a lot of friends right?" Jiyong continued, his eyes still looking blankly in front.

"Yes, I have. Wae?" Seungri asked tilting his head to the side while looking at Jiyong.

"Does any of your friend has super powers?"

"What?" Seungri asked incredulously, surprised by Jiyong's question. Is he hearing it right? Did his hyung really asked him that?

"Do you think they can turn back time?" Jiyong asked quietly. This time he slowly turned his head and looked at Seungri with a pained expression written all over his face.

If it's any other day, Seungri would have laughed at Jiyong and teased him for asking him such stupid question. But no, this day is not any other day, but a day when his Jiyong hyung bares his heart out to him seemingly asking for help to mend his broken heart. He knows his hyung is close to losing his sanity for him to utter those words.

He opened his mouth only to close it again. What should he say? What words can you say to comfort someone who's heart was broken into million pieces.

"I want to go back..."

"I shouldn't have.."

"Why did I let myself be involved in this mess?.."

Jiyong hung his head low, his hands on both sides of his head with his elbow prompted on his thighs.

Instead of uttering a word, Seungri tapped Jiyong's shoulder and squeezed it gently. He knows nothing he would say will help his hyung's situation. All he can do right now is to just let his hyung know that he was there beside him.


"And cut!"

The director yelled as they finished filming for the last episode of Dara's new web drama.

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