Chapter 15 - Half Truth

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Author's POV

It's been a week since Dara's 'drunken night' incident happened and she knows no matter what she does she could no longer avoid Jjangmae. Her next schedule starts tomorrow, it means Jjangmae needs to pick her up at the apartment.

"If only I could disappear in the face of the planet in the blink of an eye."

"Should I leave Korea? Should I give up everything, leave everything behind and move to an island where no one knows me?" Dara blabbered not minding the looks her younger brother is giving her.

Sanghyun could only shake his head as he sees his noona talking to herself as if she's going crazy.

Her noona suddenly barge into their home 3 days ago saying she had a week off. Ever since she came to their house he would see her space out or sometimes talking to herself and even murmur things like casting an evil spell to someone.

And now, she's doing a monologue again, walking in circles and would sometimes hit her head or pull her hair in million directions.




I'm now back in our dorm as I need to get ready and pack my bags for my schedule later. The D-day has finally come when I have to face my greatest fear—Jjangmae.

"Gwaenchana Dara, you can do this! As Minzy said, either you face Jjangmae and apologized for the inconvenience you caused him or you can pretend nothing happened." I told to myself.

"Let's just face him Dara-yah. It's just a 10 second humiliation and we'll get over it. Okay? Okay?" Patting myself as if trying to convince myself to toughen up and face Jjangmade head on.


My thoughts were interrupted when I heard the sound of the doorbell.

"Mwoya, is he already here?? Andwae!!! I'm not ready to see him yet!!" Panicked shoot throughout my system as I stand by my bedroom door looking out at the front door.


"What should I do, what should I do???" I started fidgeting and pacing back and forth wondering if I should cancel my schedule for today and just bury myself in our dorm.

'Yah, what happened to facing Jjangmae head on.' I could hear my inner self screaming at me for being a coward.

"Ah, molla! Let's get this over with." I grunted as I marched to the main door bracing myself for what's about to happen.

Before I open the door I reminded myself of what I need to do once I face Jjangmae.

'First let's greet him like usual then we'll open up what happened last week.'

"Annyeong Jjangmae ah, HA-HA-HA" I greeted Jjangmae as cheerful as I can, plastering a big smile on my face I but ended up sounding awkward as my voice croaked.

"Annyeong Dara-yah. Are you ready?" Jjangmae asked me as soon as he entered the apartment.

'Eh? Why does he look normal? Am I the only one thinking of what happened last week? Am I just overreacting?"

I stood awkwardly at the front door as Jjangmae walked past me and went straight to my bedroom.

"Oh, you're not done packing your clothes." Jjangmae stated as he saw my luggage still open on the floor with my clothes scattered on top of it.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2021 ⏰

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